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Mozgul says his fairwells.

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  • Mozgul says his fairwells.

    To those of you that knew him I guess i'm saying I think this character is no more.

    The alterations to the PrC requirments mean I will not be able to play Mozgul anymore unless I start him all over again from Zero.

    With not enough skill points to distribute per level to get him anywhere near what is required to carry on true to what he was, It's not really possible to progress with this PC anymore.

    The nature of MoMF now means not only are they an intuitive highly alert character with a deeper perception of the natural forms of things, but they also have an academic lore of nature and ...the planes, side to them.

    Being my first character I made for Sundren and really the only one i have played seriously, Mozgul has finally reached level 10 but is now required to find 13 skillpoints into two new skills with only 3 points to distribute per level and also requiring another feat ontop that I cannot take until level 12, restarting or trying to progress means changing who the PC is too much.

    Remaking him would mean building him too differently in such a way that I will not be able to RP him the same way and his whole persona would have to change.

    I also have issues with the fact Mozgul is not as powerful as he apparently needs to be. He is unable to survive the areas of the server that a PC of his level is expected to visit and the areas he is currently reaching the ability to finally explore are taboo for me to visit at his current level.

    I may be on here and there with him to say my IC goodbyes and RP out a way for him to leave Sundren or something.

    To be honest I'm gutted but when it stops being enjoyable to play a PC or the fun you are having with them is marred in some OOC way it's time to move on.

    I may make another MoMF half-orc some time when the class is settled, Sundren is out of Beta and the DM's are happy they have not made something "overpowered" but he will not be Mozgul and he will have to be more thoroughly thought out and better planned with regards to build, which means a more standardised MoMF personality.

    In the meantime I'm drumming up a gnomish golum builder wizard concept, but I don't think i'll start playing him for a while until I've got over the demise of Mozgul.


    If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
    Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.

  • #2
    This is sad to read. Hopefully you'll change your mind soon and come back! The changes aren't that drastic, right?

    Ademant - Genasi with tainted blood
    Raggard Haffee - Wild Dwarven Druid


    • #3
      I sure will miss Mozgul, he was always good for a laugh and stayed true to his nature.
      And I devote a song to his departure, which I find very fitting: They'll remember you
      Samantha Blake: *Sings a song about hope and sacrifice.*
      Funeral singer and armored Bard of Kelemvor.


      • #4
        I could get angry about it all and make Parabolus Darkskies, but i'm not sure Sundren deserves that yet.

        Besides, anger comes after sadness, as does the calm come before the storm.

        Great song, thanks.
        If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
        Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


        • #5
          Lighten up folks. Please.

          We locked that PRC change post for a reason. It's not up for discussion. I don't mind if you say goodbye, but you're sneaking in complaints about the changes.
          "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
          -Bill Maher


          • #6
            Azulfae, Im another guy who needs to change the build of his character due the new changes, this represents to me the not completition of the 10 levels of Red Dragon Disciple at Level 15.

            I felt upset? Not really.
            Why? Because the staff is right, there is some Overpowered PRCs with minimal prerequisites. I can cry, swear and fight with the staff. But for the sake of D&D Online Gaming Balance, it's just fair.
            Anorith Imyn A young elven girl with a thirst of blood and power.
            -Exigo Syndicate: Rank 1
            -Watchful Sister: Rank 1
            -Dragon Blood: 100% Completed
            - Done -


            • #7

              It's only my post that as covertly as possibly mentions any negative effect about the changes... i.e. Me letting my character go because of them.

              Originally posted by Xeesheava View Post
              Azulfae, Im another guy who needs to change the build of his character due the new changes, this represents to me the not completition of the 10 levels of Red Dragon Disciple at Level 15.

              I felt upset? Not really.
              Why? Because the staff is right, there is some Overpowered PRCs with minimal prerequisites. I can cry, swear and fight with the staff. But for the sake of D&D Online Gaming Balance, it's just fair.
              If anyone is making a new character I totally find them agreeable and well balanced. Yes. Good. This is a Beta, the Devs and DM's will be changing things to make the server ever better. If this wasn't a beta I might have a right to protest.

              But in anycase i'm not going to discuss the changes etc. etc.

              uh... well anyhow, goodbye from Mozgul.
              If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
              Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


              • #8
                Yeah, my Barbarian/FB is toast because of the changes too. I should have took fighter and reaped the benefits of good armor while I could lol.


                • #9
                  "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                  -Bill Maher

