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  • Hmm

    I haven't really found anything on this but what is Sundren's political structure is it an oligarchy if so who are the headhanchos... what are players supposed to know about this? Or is it some sort of monarchy, mageocracy or a theocracy?

    My question is.. what do we as players allow our characters to know of the political machinations of Sundren.
    Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."

  • #2
    I was also wondering along this line if the Knowledge - Local skill has anything to do with what Anks asked? Or if it'd fall more under the Knowledge - Nobility & Royalty skill instead?
    It is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." - I Cor. 1:19


    • #3
      Whoa, wait.

      There are people in charge?
      Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
      Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

      [DM] Poltergeist :
      If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


      • #4
        An Emperor? or a Republic? or Consuls??

        I don't know, Sundren seems very Romanesque, so I'm guessing their governing body might like that as well.


        • #5
          Someone who writes for our wiki should be adding this somewhere if it isn't there... but Sundren is governed by an oligarchy, not sure what an obligarchy is, must be the opposite or something .

          The Arbiters are the governing body and they distribute power in the territories to the Exarchs. That's where the Harbingers of Sundren come in, they are a force directly executed by the council of Arbiters to act on their behalf.

          General Imperatu Verinus controls the Sundren Legion's forces and is a brilliant general with ambitions closely tied to the state. Most of his forces are Sundarian natives very much entrenching his power to be tied to the will of the Arbiters, however his men are very loyal.

          Few armies could directly withstand a coordinated assault with Imperatu Verinus on the battlefield. His presence usually spells death for the enemy.

          Think of him as a Caesar of sorts... but without the tyranny and the title... moreso his command and strategic ability.
          The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

          George Carlin


          • #6
            For those who don't know the term oligarchy, and can't be troubled to look it up, it's a government run by a small (usually elite, or at least elitist) group.

            So, Imperatu Verinus is more like Alexander the General, as he is portrayed in a lot those silly, romanticized fictional books about "The Great"?

            I'm curious about what type of Knowledge roll would be used for that. I guess either Local, or Nobility/Royalty, with Local netting you the voice of public opinion and Nobility/Royalty netting you lengthy patents of lineage that read like "Tribius the Grand doth beget Mauricio the Galant..."

            But I dunno...ya'll write the story: I'm just in it ^_^


            Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
            - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
            - Back on the Street

            Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
            - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


            • #7
              Knowledge: Nobility & Royalty is non-specific. It means you're aware of the runnings of states, how one would dress for a particular occasion, what the correct form of address is for a certain level of nobility etc. etc. Knowledge: Local is specific, and would be required to have specific information about the local leaders, nobility and armies, as well as their whereabouts and goals. Amongst other things.

              Please be aware that most people would have some knowledge of this. Everyone in England knows we have a Prime-Minister, even if they don't know his name, address and shoe size
              Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

              "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


              • #8
                Alright! My question was answered and I fixed up my little typo soo the world goes around once again.

                That being said i'm happy that this issue was addressed swiftly by the staff.
                Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."

