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Tricky timing

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  • Tricky timing

    I'm trying to meet up with a DM in-game with Zim as per the Roleplay forum but it's proving very difficult to find one online who isn't already committed. Is it possible to request an appointment, for lack of a better word?
    "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle." -- Frederick Douglass


  • #2
    DMs do this in our spare time, and we all have RLs to deal with as well, so making "appointments" is rarely possible for us. Keep persevering and one of us will be able to help you. Please be aware that we try to avoid doing something for one specific person alone when there are large numbers of people online. Try to pre-plan what you want and make sure it's something other players can get involved in, and approach a DM in-game
    Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

    "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


    • #3
      Um, okay. It's a job interview though, don't know how other players are supposed to get involved with that.
      "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle." -- Frederick Douglass


