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Improved Mage Armor and Invisiblity questions

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  • Improved Mage Armor and Invisiblity questions

    Could someone please explain to me how the bonuses on Improved Mage armor work? Considering Mage armor give +1dodge +1 armor +1natural +1deflection.

    Also, i was curious why when in the sharahan hills I was being attacked by 3 goblins and proceeded to cast invisibility. They would still follow right behind me and attack me. Not only that but when i ran into another group of 3 goblins they proceeded to shoot arrows and chase after me as well. I did get the 50% concealment bonus but why is it that they see me and know exactly where i am when I'm invisible.. I am confused.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Zemlock
    I did get the 50% concealment bonus but why is it that they see me and know exactly where i am when I'm invisible.. I am confused.
    Sounds like you used Greater Invisibility if you got the 50% concealment bonus.

    If so, Greater Invisibility only lasts 6 seconds per caster level. It might have worn off already.

    That, or you accidentally cast Displacement?

    Alternatively, if you did cast either Invisibility, you might have accidentally auto-attacked one of the nearby goblins right after using it, which would have caused it to drop again.
    -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


    • #3
      I remember reading somewhere on the forums that in RP you do get the 50% concealment bonus with invisbility. I dont have G Invis just yet. I will test it out again in with the goblins to see if i can recreate the problem. Thanks for your input.


      • #4
        Imp. Mage Armor is the same as regular mage armor, but +2 to all of the bonuses you listed.

        The change with invisibility was an SoZ change. The AI they used has been improved, which improves dispelling and taunting. I don't know how they justify the invisibility part, but I'm betting that if you're running, they can still hear you.
        "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
        -Bill Maher


        • #5
          I agree that they should be able to hear me, but i dont feel they should be able to shoot an arrow, if i was invisible and they could only hear me, shooting arrows should have at least a 75% concealment bonus.. they would have to be very lucky (Roll 20) to hit me at all. All in all, i'm hoping that it was some one time error. I'll let you know.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zemlock View Post
            I agree that they should be able to hear me, but i dont feel they should be able to shoot an arrow, if i was invisible and they could only hear me, shooting arrows should have at least a 75% concealment bonus.. they would have to be very lucky (Roll 20) to hit me at all. All in all, i'm hoping that it was some one time error. I'll let you know.
            If the arrow was fire before you were invisible, but hit you after you were invisible, it might have broken the effect.
            -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


            • #7
              Good troubleshooting rhifox.


              • #8
                Regardless, what you're reporting for invisibility is a NWN2 change, not a Sundren change. This falls under "won't fix" from our side. You're welcome to test for your own knowledge
                "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                -Bill Maher


                • #9
                  Yes that is a newer thing. Sometimes opponents can "locate" you if you're close enough. You maintain 50% conceal so long as u don't strike back. RP it how u will, but this is something that does happen now. Invis isn't as safe as it once was, the same with recovering from bleeding. It's just a tougher game now =/
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Phantom Lamb View Post
                    Imp. Mage Armor is the same as regular mage armor, but +2 to all of the bonuses you listed.

                    The change with invisibility was an SoZ change. The AI they used has been improved, which improves dispelling and taunting. I don't know how they justify the invisibility part, but I'm betting that if you're running, they can still hear you.
                    This is precisely correct. Being invisible causes your character to effectively go into stealth mode with no hide check, but you must still make move silently checks. Come on guys, you didn't think you'd be able to spam invisibility potions whenever you were injured forever... right?
                    Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                    "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                    • #11
                      Still seems a bit silly if you ask me... it virtually makes invisibility useless to all but arcane tricksters. To avoid combat do the players now have to plane hop, dimensional door or shadow door their way away?

                      Again, still an obsidian 'bug' (yes I called it a bug!) which can not be fixed *shrugs*

                      *edit* It should really only be creatures that hunt by sonar that could attack you through insibility regardless of the noise you make..
                      Originally posted by roguethree
                      If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Thief Of Navarre View Post
                        Still seems a bit silly if you ask me... it virtually makes invisibility useless to all but arcane tricksters. To avoid combat do the players now have to plane hop, dimensional door or shadow door their way away?

                        Again, still an obsidian 'bug' (yes I called it a bug!) which can not be fixed *shrugs*

                        *edit* It should really only be creatures that hunt by sonar that could attack you through insibility regardless of the noise you make..
                        I just ran through the entire graveyard and lower level of Necropolis while under invisibility.

                        Not once was I seen. Including when I had used Invisibility while they already knew I was there. Not sure what the commotion is about it. The only time it broke prematurely was when my character auto-attacked something my pet was fighting while I was at a loading screen.
                        -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


                        • #13
                          Is there a way to turn auto-attack off? I absolutely despise it.

                          Regarding invisibility, it's fine unless you try to use it to escape combat I think. I just tested it on some cartel. I started attacking one, then in the middle of the fight, cast invisibility and started running. The enemies do eventually stop attacking/chasing you after you run for a distance - just keep running and eventually they won't be able to target you.


                          • #14
                            You will be seen and followed if you are in combat FIRST and then go invisible.

                            Shutting this down now, as some folks are getting circular in their discussion here. Again, this is a "won't fix." It is an NWN2 script, not ours.
                            "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                            -Bill Maher

