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Exigo Trading Post Campfire Campouts :(

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  • Exigo Trading Post Campfire Campouts :(

    Hey folks,

    The DM staff is getting a little tired of the campfire carebearing. Socializing is good, but Exigo is very hard for us to start DM plots from. There are no patrons or bartenders to spawn rumors, and it gets old sending NPCs in to be overheard at that location over and over as event triggers.

    Basically, I am not going to start any DM events from Exigo. If you want to participate, you must find somewhere else to be. Go out and DO something, or at least socialize in a place that's meant for socializing, like a bar. Other DMs have agreed as well, and can post here if they like.

    This doesn't mean you'll be SAFE if you go there, but I won't be starting general plots from Exigo until we find a solution.

    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher

  • #2
    Originally posted by Phantom Lamb
    This doesn't mean you'll be SAFE if you go there, but I won't be starting general plots from Exigo until we find a solution.
    *opens the toolset and starts digging a huge hole that leads directly to hell right under the campfire*


    • #3
      I think the point we're trying to make here is that campfire syndrome creates "good relations" between people who should really not get on. Dwarves should not like half-orcs, banites should not like those of the Triad, people should be freaked out by tieflings, genasi and so on and so forth. People hanging around the campfire continuously causes what PL calls "carebearing", where everyone gets along, and there is a vacuum of PvP conflict. Not to mention a whole lot of uncharacteristic sitting in the rain. (After all, how many people would really sit around a campfire in the pissing rain for hours chatting about current affairs?)

      This is in addition to the aforementioned point - it's very challenging thinking up ways to get people involved in a plot when they're all sitting around a fire in a "safe" zone. We can't throw you straight into a hostile situation without killing all the local NPCs in the conflict, we can't discreetly have someone lean over and spread rumours about x creature stalking the mountain path or the Viridale forest. Even sitting in a bar (all of which have been painstakingly designed by our hard working devs for precisely that reason) lends much more opportunity for overhearing rumours, or being outright asked by a crazed commoner to go save someone or kill something.

      I think you get the point

      I'm taking part in this boycott as well, but please don't all just scatter as soon as you see a DM log in. This is not our way of spoiling fun, precisely the opposite. We're trying to spark a whole different level of RP here, and when it's taken effect, you'll all realise you're having much more fun
      Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

      "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


      • #4

        Seeing a lot of stale roleplay happening at Exigo campfire again. And you guys were doing so well!

        Not gonna stop folks from going there, that'd be silly. But we're trying to encourage proactive behavior, and sitting there idly isn't ... active at all!
        "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
        -Bill Maher


        • #5
          We may still need a designated "Meeting point", I feel. Because there are too many Inns around to go to, which means players are spreading themselves out rather than running into RP/Groups leaving to have fun/etc.. That's probably the reason so many go to the trade post, or barring that, to the Druid glade, which I feel makes even less sense.

          I think the idea someone posted about a "Wayside Inn" right on the map with an outside area with roff and benches would be good for all classes and races to congregate/pick up rumors etc.

          *Hides from the mapper*
          Last edited by DM_Equinox; 04-10-2009, 05:42 AM.
          Gravity is a myth; Earth just sucks.

          >>> Flame Warriors! <<<


          • #6
            Meh, I think it's just being one-step removed from the world map that makes it so appealing. Standing around in the rain for hours on end reminds me of a sad, depressing introduction to King of the Hill.



            Anyway! It's stale and difficult for DM's to create events there. Our mappers are pretty busy, but public service reminders from our staff our easy
            "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
            -Bill Maher

