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Confused Malarite

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  • Confused Malarite

    I'm currently playing a Malarite but the more I read about Malar's worhippers on various websites etc. the more I get confused by a few things. Therefore I would like some expertise from someone who knows the Forgotten Realms lore a bit better. So pardon me if these questions seem silly but I'm no expert and I've been getting alot of different feedback from alot of different sites.

    1. Malarite Druid ?

    Not that I am one but just to clear a few things up. First time I read about Malarites was about how they oppose the balance druids trying to keep and rather believe in the survival of the fittest. Druids, farmers and woodsmen often get attacked by malarites cause in their mind they are endangering their hunting grounds or considered weak.

    Now my question, how come some handbooks, websites and such mention Malarite druids if they are supposed to be against all sorts of druids ?

    2. Claws of Malar ?

    The favorite weapon of many Malarites but what exactly is it ? For how much I can gather there are different kinds of those claws, the true Claws of Malar beïng granted by Malarite Priests.

    So do they craft their own Claws, and are these Priests the most adept at it ?
    If they do craft them, from what material are they made (their victims bones and remains ?) ?

    3. Wearing the skins of your fallen prey ?

    As I gather malarites love to ornate and dress themselves up with parts of their fallen prey. I'm loving that concept. The thing I haven't found a real conclusion about is in how far they enhance those hides/leathers/ bones/etc by crafting.

    Do they make Full Plates of Wyrm hydes for example if they have obtained some during the hunt ? Or is it all primary as an trophy to boast and show others about their victories?

    I sort of assumed they like to wear light garments, so that they are less obstructed when hunting and in battle.

    Thank you for any feedback on this matter
    Current characters:

    Stark Goodwill:
    Entrepeneur and co-founder of "Stark Enterprises"

    Rogno Redapple:
    A hunter who's lost his cause

    RIP - Eve Hollows : Death became her

    Sundren comics:

    Poor Jack ...
    Align this ...!

  • #2
    1.) Malarite druids are opposed to the majority of druids, those being the Neutral good or Neutral Neutral variety, who enjoy keeping the forests balanced and green etc.

    A Malarite druid is often of Chaotic Neutral to Neutral Evil alignment, and has a completely different view of the realm of nature. They embrace the wildest side of nature in its rawest form, the hunt, and the kill. To a Malarite the essence of nature is in the strong devouring the weak.

    To put it bluntly, a Druids ethos can vary widely but often has it's basis in a facet of nature.

    2.) The claws of Malar come in a few different forms. For a low ranking Druid they are often simple bone fashioned blades that they attatch to their forearms ala Wolverine style.

    In Pen and Paper however there is a spell that druids of Malar get that actually give them a magical set of bone claws that are pretty nifty. Also Malar will give his most devout followers a special boon at times in granting them a magical set of bone claws.

    3.) Prancing around in the skins of your freshest kill is often the simplest way a wild Malarite can be identified. However some Malarites will do this in secret, especially around urban centers, if it allows them to spread the teachings of Malar.

    You are correct though that many Malarites will wear the armour of a great beast, say a wyvern or some sort, as a trophy AND decent protection. However being a druid Malarites will shun metal armour.

    That particular piece of dogma can really be handled in many different ways, find one that fits your character and RP the hell out of it.

    Hope that helps.
    Current Player Of: Aden Astartes, Orren Baneshollow, Amnius, Kord Illumen and Lotho

    LOG IN NAME: NebulonB


    • #3
      Malerites worked better in IWD2 where there was the beast claw spell which as I recall granted proficiency: Natural and gave you a boost to unarmed (Beast clawed) damage!

      *EDIT* Nevermind, found it; http://www.gamebanshee.com/showshot..../beastclaw.jpg
      Originally posted by roguethree
      If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.

