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Several Questions I Can't Find Answers For

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  • Several Questions I Can't Find Answers For

    I've been trolling the forums, but I can't seem to find full answers to a few questions I had, so I thought I'd post them all here (sorry if this is the wrong place for this...)

    1) Are crafting and alchemy available in Sundren, and if so, are materials commonly available?

    2) Are certain weapon types hard to come by (i.e. not a good choice for weapon focus)?

    3) Is it possible/allowable to use custom classes (such as those in the PRC pack, etc.)?

    4) If I've made mistakes or poor choices when leveling up a character, is there some process for re-leveling? I only ask because I've seen it posted elsewhere that we're definitely not supposed to create a new character of the same name to start from scratch.

    Thanks for any and all answers, I'm just trying to get a good feel for Sundren and the community, and I'm having a blast so far! Thanks to everyone who puts in so much time to keep things running smoothly.
    Arren E'Drien: Ranger champion of Selune

  • #2
    I'll give this a try...

    to 1): No, I do not think they are currently in the game, but they are going to be implemented.

    to 2): That might be so, but remember: Lots of DM activity here and if you take a weapon focus and your character is into combat a lot - I think you can expect to find a certain magical weapon at some point. That is - if you don't use some cheesy powerbuild.

    to 3): The PRC pack has not been implemented and I do not think it will. Currently there is no class restriction whatsoever to the standard ones (but again - no cheesy stuff and no powerbuilding).

    to 4): If you make an error at the start, then you can create another character with a very similar name - lots of people have done that. Personally, I don't like this - pay attention and concentrate when you make one or create the character first in a hero creator of sorts (a module that can be downloaded from the nwn2 vault). If you make a 'mistake' at 7th level or so, I guess you would have to live with it. Unless you can convince a staff member to help you out. But that would be a long process I think as the character would have to be deleted and re-created for any complex changes.

    Keep in mind that my answers are not guaranteed to be correct. This is just what I have gleaned from reading the forum - and reading between the lines...
    Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


    • #3
      1) This is on the "Awaiting implementation" list. We've got some neat stuff in store for you guys

      2) Generally, I would say that your weapon specialization/focus should be in the weapon you think suits your character the most, RP-wise. You can always run it over with a DM if you feel that you're missing out on that specific weapon type, or post here if we somehow forgot to add it - or had a reason not to

      3) The only standard class that is not available is the Neverwinter Nine. As for new, custom classes - We'll see.

      4) Generally, I feel that characters should be built around RP, and not what feats and skills give you the upper hand all the time. This way, we'll see a diversity of skill, not just a lot of characters running around with heal, spellcraft, tumble and concentration. There are a lot of good arguments to be made against this, but please, try only to re-take your levels for an RP reason.


      • #4
        Thanks for the helpful responses. Just to clarify, I wasn't really talking about twinking feats and stuff, but more that I had unknowingly placed some points in crafting skills and such which would be a little out of place if that was never intended to be part of Sundren. If it's going to be implemented later, though, then it's not an issue at all. Thanks again to you both.
        Arren E'Drien: Ranger champion of Selune


        • #5
          I do have some thoughts and hopes regarding the crafting system mentioned.. for example.. I'd like to see bards able to create magic flutes or lyres, and arcane archers able to enchant their own arrows with various spells.. class based crafting..
          Virsing Etorix - blood thirsty axe for hire.

          Faderiel Rashedwa - singer, dancer, noble.

