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Going Going gone!

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  • Going Going gone!

    Im gone guys, not playing anymore!

    Feel free to leave a wish list for things to go in the wiki as I'll still be checking the forums from time to time
    Originally posted by roguethree
    If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.

  • #2
    Try not to get frustrated by deaths Learn from them and change tactics. Wizards shouldn't be leading off fights with spells unless they can control the situation.
    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher


    • #3
      The few times I saw you around provided ample entertainment.. why the sudden negativity?


      • #4
        He died
        "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
        -Bill Maher


        • #5
          Everyone has died! Just try not to go around by yourself all the time. Join a group. Hang out by the fire, get to know some people. Even my rangers, need help in most areas. Dont' try to get to powerfull to fast. (Did I just say that?) It took me forever to get Corvus from level 9 to level 10. Mainly cause he died about 3 or 4 times.
          Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


          • #6
            Nope I havnt got the free time anymore; just had to take another job (another manual labour job, yay!) to keep thine self afloat!

            Ill have a moment or two to check on the wiki and forums and stuff, just not hours to spend chatting at the exigo anymore My combined sleep this week has been about 14hours (not enough for 5 working days).

            *edit* Wish you all well
            Originally posted by roguethree
            If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


            • #7
              =( No Sundren Shadow.
              "I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."-Winston Churchill

              "A warrior is measured in sacrifice beyond death for he who rises not once but twice shall offer all those nearby you pay the price" Banite Hero

              http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/126/rwee.png <-- New home.

              Ju'eir- http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/6286/sdfsdf.png
              The power of the hunt.


              • #8
                Can't remeber the charactor but I am sure we played together.

                Yeah that happens were free time dwindles. I hope you return eventually.
                blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
                Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
                I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

                Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


                • #9
                  Awww, that's a shame, had fun RP'ing (and grinding ) with you!
                  Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                  • #10
                    Hey, i get fed up and delete my characters all the time. And nobody even notices that they are gone. So don't feel bad about having no time to play


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Maevan2 View Post
                      Hey, i get fed up and delete my characters all the time. And nobody even notices that they are gone. So don't feel bad about having no time to play

                      Maevan we noticed...we just happen to hate you.

                      But Thief... that blows, hopefully you get your situation figured out and you can start playing again.
                      Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


                      • #12
                        Never say die.

                        Death of a character is always a good time to take a break if real life is putting pressure on you.

                        When life settles and you find yourself sitting infront of the T.V. watching some crap that is doing your head in, think to yourself, oh look I have time on my hands, maybe it's time to renew that old addiction.

                        I'm sure we shall see you again one day.
                        If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
                        Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


                        • #13
                          Yep when I get things sorted out in IRL I will return as a player! Untill then I will remain as a occasional forum go'er

                          Its been full playing you all! (ermm I mean playing with you all
                          Last edited by Thief Of Navarre; 01-06-2009, 12:55 PM. Reason: More to add
                          Originally posted by roguethree
                          If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.

