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Imbue material?!

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  • Imbue material?!

    Plans for it in the new crafting system or is it going to get the cold shoulder...?

    I know it could potentially mean WoW/Diablo'eske socketed items which would disrupt the magic level or the server. Its why Im asking really
    Originally posted by roguethree
    If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.

  • #2
    Economically, Craft Alchemy is very unbalanced. I'm wondering if Imbue Material will change that.


    • #3
      it could potentially mean WoW/Diablo'eske socketed items
      That, and magically altering base materials to create better items with. Don't worry about disruption of the magic level.. not going to happen. As I stated in a post a while back, the whole system is getting an overhaul and socketed items will be taken into the equations for balance. You won't be able to put gems in every other item.
      The feat is selectable so you all can plan your builds with upcoming stuff if you wish, and the skills are coming in very soon as well.

      As for alchemy, it will have very broad applications, particularly at making components for other crafts.


      • #4
        Hold on, I'm confused. Just what feats will be required to be a crafter? All the same original ones and imbue material?
        Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

        "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


        • #5
          Imbue Material will coexist alongside the other magic crafting feats. It's not so much that it will be 'required to be a crafter', as the number of crafting skills (and feats) should hopefully make it impossible to be the general, ultimate crafter. The economy needs to be driven by trade between players instead of one-man trade empires. While a wizard might be able to get all skills and feats if he's built specifically for it, he'll find himself held back by crafting quota (an across the board maximum), and still be less effective than two people working together with the skills split amongst eachother.

