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  • Necropolis

    Just a question, but why does no-one ever go to the necropolis anymore? I've not seen anyone in it using the 'search for players' function for a long, long time, and I'm not sure why. I even saw a thread a while back, asking for a dungeon with a difficulty between Cartel and Sestra... I vaguely remember the Necropolis being exactly that.

    Has there been any change to it since GBX gave the zombies at the entrance Addy claws?
    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer

  • #2
    My opinion: the outdoor area gives the same XP as the Cartel but is far more dangerous. The first level gives more XP (and is actually easier than the outdoor area). But there are not enough monsters in there. Only the 2nd level could be interesting. But i suppose that the XP to risk ratio is to bad, especially after the AI changes: he blackguards summon a nasty skeleton now, i suppose the mages uses dispell etc.

    Maybe the XP should be adjusted. But i am just a unworthy servant so don't ask me


    • #3
      Ashinet has tried but almost got everyone killed going there. Cartel just turned out better until she perished last.

      *scratches head* why do folks follow her sucidal lead?
      blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
      Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
      I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

      Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


      • #4
        Some of us that go there take off searchable for a reason . Actually, that can be said about a lot of locations people don't want to be 'found' in.
        Bree - Bookkeeper and diplomat of Exigo.

        Becky Dragonhin - Sword of the Loyal Fury, Knight of the Triad... the only Good hin in Sundren???
        Cybil Gelley (Retired)
        Perry Turnipfodder - aspiring talent, happy chronicler.


        • #5
          To be honest, Sestra isn't that hard with a decent mage. It's possible to start doing at level 8-9. By 12/13 it should be easy. Though, I think a middleground between Cartel/Sestra to Veritas would be lovely.

          That aside, Necropolis is usually only entered for RP reasons and DM Events. It gives less gold and items then cartel, the same XP per kill, less enemies at a single time, and stronger single enemies who also have damage resistance.

          Sort of a bad idea, no matter how you cut it.

          Alcander Nefezen-'Sometimes, I wonder, does a Dragon see the same colours as I?"


          • #6
            Haha, that's fair enough, I guess. I was just interested, seeing as Necropolis raids used to be fairly common.
            Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


            • #7
              People always died at the Necropolis before the death system changes. It was rough then with clerics who could raise you on the spot, but I think the new death system pretty much killed the Necropolis as far as I remember. And it got worse with higher levels as they spawned ridiculously sized hordes outside. I have no idea if its ever been adjusted.


              • #8
                Then it lives up to its name!
                The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                George Carlin

