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Gray Orcs are open?

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  • Gray Orcs are open?

    I saw the gray orc listing in the faq, listing them as an open race. Is this a mistake?

    They do have a +1 LA, and a full-blooded orc would be problematic showing up at Port Avanthyr, to say the least.
    This is the best signature I could think of.

  • #2
    They are open, no restrictions. If it becomes a problem I will restrict it.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      Cant see them being too abundant unless people want to powerbuild with them. Being a full orc is almost like being a goblin PC or a gnoll... Its a weird concept!

      Besides it gives Peligir something else to hunt
      Originally posted by roguethree
      If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


      • #4
        Yep, they're open for now. If we see too many gray orc druids using raptor pets, there may be a change. Likewise, if we see too many good-aligned gray orcs, there may be a change, too.
        "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
        -Bill Maher


        • #5
          Being utterly obsessed with half-orcs since NWN1, grey orcs have me totally fascinated but even I am hesitant to play one in Sundren. It's probably as dangerous as playing a drow I'm thinking.

          If we had some kind of alternative underdark city area for drow, grey orcs, half-orcs, half-drow, duergar and svirfs to hang out and be underdarkish I think I would even consider.

          If any DM's are looking for an excuse to make a real nasty NPC's gray Orc then Mozgul's father could be a nasty little piece of work, capable of stirring up trouble in the region. Contact me for some ideas if you want them.
          If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
          Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


          • #6
            I am rather glad we have no underdark races it splits a server in two. Also creates alot of Stupid CvC, and alot of problems for staff to straighten out. Was an UBer smart move to not allow underdark charactors.

            Drow are much cooler as a monster race anyway.

            Half-orcs are intresting, I have seen alot of well played half orcs.
            blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
            Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
            I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

            Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


            • #7
              Originally posted by Azulfae View Post
              Being utterly obsessed with half-orcs since NWN1, grey orcs have me totally fascinated but even I am hesitant to play one in Sundren. It's probably as dangerous as playing a drow I'm thinking.

              If we had some kind of alternative underdark city area for drow, grey orcs, half-orcs, half-drow, duergar and svirfs to hang out and be underdarkish I think I would even consider.

              If any DM's are looking for an excuse to make a real nasty NPC's gray Orc then Mozgul's father could be a nasty little piece of work, capable of stirring up trouble in the region. Contact me for some ideas if you want them.
              Depending on where you are in Faerun, Half-Orcs are sometimes considered heroes or are respected. I don't know if this is the case in Sundren, but thats up to the staff of course.

              Half-drow are surprisingly not an Underdark race, but rather originate from Dambrath, a human nation conquered by the drow. Its not uncommon that they leave to avoid the drowish culture of the nation, but they practically a rare race to see outside that nation.

              Gray Orcs are not an Underdark race as well. They thrive along the MoonSea and, while just brutal as the typical orc, they are not aggressive unless they see their most hated foe or are utterly provoked. The Orcs that live in the Underdark are Deep Orcs.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Product of Void View Post
                I am rather glad we have no underdark races it splits a server in two. Also creates alot of Stupid CvC, and alot of problems for staff to straighten out. Was an UBer smart move to not allow underdark charactors.

                Drow are much cooler as a monster race anyway.

                Half-orcs are intresting, I have seen alot of well played half orcs.
                As a player of the old Sundren and owner of one of the old Eilistraeen Drows I disagree the concept of Drow as a monster race, they have a very rich culture and a lot of official content to play one of them.
                The "Stupid CvC" it's stupid when any of the both part doesn't understand about the idea of KoS, and the staff of Sundren never had problems with them.
                It's a good move to maintain their population extremely low (1 Drow) in this moment, because they don't have an structure or city to dwell (I don't know if the cave where I went time ago still there, but that was an HQ of the Olis'Int'Varg faction).

                Sorry for my message, but I don't like when somebody throws garbage over a race only because he doesn't like it.
                Anorith Imyn A young elven girl with a thirst of blood and power.
                -Exigo Syndicate: Rank 1
                -Watchful Sister: Rank 1
                -Dragon Blood: 100% Completed
                - Done -


                • #9
                  I think, perhaps, PoV is speaking from experience from another server that I played on, too.
                  This is the best signature I could think of.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mattachine View Post
                    I think, perhaps, PoV is speaking from experience from another server that I played on, too.

                    As a monster race drow were scary and evil. Something cool to hunt and go "OH CRAP" when captured.

                    I have played on Two servers have had underdark and surface races. Things I noticed is it doubles the size of the areas seeing you want to be fair to both bases. Then you need to either split the dm's time or have more dms to support both sides.

                    both servers had intresting changes. First one drow just disappeared as they did not get enough attention to keep the players. Second one the surface because mostly grinders and the rpers fled while the drow got most of the attention.

                    KOS rarely works well. Seeing people do not like to upset others or just do not care for server penalities they avoid conflict. Or when no penalties for charactor death evil quickly becomes the victor in all conflicts and good just chumps.

                    While drow have alot of fans it is a very different type of rp. New words, being submissive, slaves, and other stuff.

                    Surface drow tend to be Drizzt clones "I hate my race they were evil, I regret being born drow, I will do any thing I can to show my kind heartedness while being hated because of what I am".

                    Or they are the tricky sort trying to gain trust to just betray it.

                    Underdark drow alot of the time are just trying to one up each other on how vile and twisted they can be. (good drow in underdark == dead drow).

                    My charactors typically went "Oh a drow run like hell" while all those around me acted like a deer came out of the woods. "oooh lets get close and talk to it". They quickly went from scary to running into a guy at the supermarket wearing a cool hat, that you just had to ask were he got it from.

                    To me having underdark and Surface races is having two servers slapped together and trying to give equal time to both yet to see it work. Now if a server is just surface or just underdark, works rather well.

                    CvC problem usually stem from KoS being done in abusive ways exploiting the game engine and using a racial background as an explianation.

                    "Drow would attack fully buffed from shadows in the middle of a town in a full war party that none would hear because they are drow" (and attack folk on transition so they do nothing).

                    Which usually ended in slaying of a bunch of lowbies by a bunch of maxed level drow with the typical gloat of we are drow so we should win.

                    One of those few times that if realism was a factor the surface race would be gone in a month with such attacks.

                    Morale of the long story I have seen first hand how drow/surface modules do not work well. Heck the first RP pw I played on removed them way before I joined for the headache they caused.

                    So i consider the fact that staff restricts drow to be an UBER smart move. Gonna save a fortune on asprin.
                    blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
                    Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
                    I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

                    Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


                    • #11
                      While I will agree that drow is mostly a KOS situation, I really don't think that all drow must act that way. A Drow can be smart try to avoid conflict on the surface, where they don't have an advantage.

                      For instance the FR NPC Cierre is surface Drow and when people find her out, she acts like she was motivated by Drizzt to explore the surface world. However, she is evil to the core and sends vital information about the security of Silverymoon and the Confederacy back to Menzoberran.

                      Then you have Dambrath, which is a nation ruled by Drow and Half-drow, which follows Drowish custom...


                      • #12
                        Overall, I have to agree. Unless a server has few areas, or many players (say 60+ regular ones), it does reduce player interaction when there is a split between PC races.
                        This is the best signature I could think of.


                        • #13
                          *cough* Gray Orcs *cough*
                          If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
                          Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.


                          • #14
                            So, having a "gray orc" area might be a bad idea.
                            Still, a DM might be able to make a gray orc have a faction rating to agree with the Mossclaw folks, no?
                            This is the best signature I could think of.


                            • #15
                              There's no IC reason why any player would automatically have connections with the Mossclaw. Orcs don't get along just because they're orcs, especially when they're different breeds, and the majority of the mossclaws aren't orcs anyway. If a person had a reason, desire and story to be aligned with them then they could maybe, but they would then by default become an enemy of Sundren's faction as the two factions are at war constantly.
                              Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                              "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."

