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PW question

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  • PW question

    First off I just wantd to let Saulus know I looked through the threads just to make sure this wasn't already asked and tried to post it in the appropriate place but it wouldn't let me (sorry).

    Wanted to give Sundren another try because I liked it the first time but than ran out of time to play. I now have some time and wanted to get into it again so I am here.

    My question is this:

    I updated my client server info last night but when I logged on for character creation the files from another PW were conflicting with yours. I don't want to delete that version all together because I have a few friends there that I am trying to convert to here for various reasons (lack of solo play mostly). But I still like to jump on occasionally when they have time and get my game on.

    Is there a way to set up both versions on my machine? Do I do a seperate install with a changed path name or what?

    Sorry for the lack of knowledge on this but I usually don't run into this problem and wanted to ask someone who knows before screwing up my current version and potetnially my rig before asking for help.


  • #2
    As this explains you can rename the override folder.


    Most inferior worlds decide to use the override folder for all their crap just to piss the rest of us off.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      That's what I was thinking but because I came up with it so fast i figured i would end up screwing myself up. Thanks for the quick response.
      Last edited by Klebdog; 09-04-2008, 03:50 PM.

