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Forum Search Feature

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  • Forum Search Feature

    I took the liberty of rebuilding the entire forum search index which took several hours. The good news is that the search feature will now be much more thorough and will yield results from posts as old as 3 years ago.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin

  • #2
    Awesome, Sweet job Saulus ^.^


    • #3
      Hehe... I can foresee someone resurrecting a thread from three years ago, soon.


      • #4
        *starts trolling for 3-year old posts*

        Originally posted by Cirion View Post
        Hehe... I can foresee someone resurrecting a thread from three years ago, soon.
        Jos'iah Ithildurin - Semper, a guardian of Haldemar. "One should always be faithful"
        Elijah - Warrior Mage and Legionairre of Sundren. "My axe and my magic will cleave you!"
        Duskthorne - Bounty Hunter. "Every land needs a masked man to do the dirty work for them" (personal heroes: The Knight of the Flying Rodent and The Monk of the Arachnid Order)


        • #5
          Originally posted by me_less View Post
          *starts trolling for 3-year old posts*

          Maybe I shouldn't have said soon... But we'll see it eventually.

          But thanks for keeping up the good work Saulus and the same to the rest of the Sundren Staff.


          • #6
            Much appreciated

            I actually missed this feature.
            Calandra Gleamblade

