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Quit Misbehaving High Level!

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  • Quit Misbehaving High Level!

    Okay ... funny joking titled aside I've seen alot of "Warnings" to low level players, new players, ninja looters, etc etc etc. This perticualr warning/plea goes to all the high levels out there. If for some reason you feel the need to walk through low level areas such as the Sharan Hills clean up your bloody spawns. This has happened to me 3 times including today ... lucky today I am playing a melee heavy character so despite the 3 defenders, 2 archers, a boltboy, 2 worshippers, a shaman and a warrior all after me at the same time I was barely able to survive. My other character in the same situation ... and many other new players / characters do not fair so well and get horribly slaughted in about 2 seconds flat.

    If you for some reason are too lazy to clean up your spawns then stay out of the low level areas please.

    *To see these portraits on my characters in game just click on the signature pic to download an NWN2 version of all the portraits and extract it to your "..\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\portraits" folder.

  • #2
    People should know better about this. Of course there are certain situations where a lowby might prefer the higher level spawns, like your fighter for instance.

    As always people just need to communicate.
    Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
    Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
    Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


    • #3
      Well exactly ... if they are purposely spawning high groups so their low level fighter friend can kill bigger group fine ... because they are effectively creating AND cleaning their high level spawns.

      The situations I speak of are when the entire Sharan hills is pre-spawned with high level groups and whoever spawned them simply left.

      *To see these portraits on my characters in game just click on the signature pic to download an NWN2 version of all the portraits and extract it to your "..\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\portraits" folder.


      • #4
        I do this all the damn time, and completely forget. I'm guilty.

        I'll prep more Firebrands and clean up my mess next time. Seriously.

        To Mold a Mind:

        "Her body will be fortified, her mind will be taken and reforged, and her heart shall be sworn only to uphold that which I demand. And as for her soul, well - she can have that back when she's dead."


        • #5
          Ah, but what if the high level character has some RP reason to do this?

          "Come my goblin minions! Destroy the HOOMANS!"

          Seriously if you see this IC, your character might want to find some higher level dude to help them out. That could be the start of some good RP. It would really be annoying though if you were just standing there and a high level comes running by spawning stuff in yer face.
          Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
          Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
          Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


          • #6
            Are you trying to solo Sharahan Hills, Gev? Soloing isn't a good idea, anyway.


            Cazen - A guy who "knows a guy..."
            - Nights in Neverwinter (Cazen History)
            - Back on the Street

            Thrice-Cursed Ruslan - An outcast among outcasts
            - Tales of a Foolish Brother (Ruslan History)


            • #7
              We intentionally put in a clean up script for this purpose.

              If you see spawns that you judge are too tough for you, leave the area, come back 10 minutes later. That should be a long enough delay for the spawns to have "wandered off".

              There's a million reasons why someone doesn't clear their spawns, there is a lot less why someone can't wait out the delay or go find help.

              I would also like to point out, that there is no "Low Level" only areas. I understand if there area areas that are better suited to specific levels of pc's, but in no way or form do we ban any level from visiting any areas.
              (Although some of the higher risk areas are harder to get to, even a level 3 has the ability to get to them.)

              Its a nice idea for higher levels to be responsible with their spawns, but has never been, is not, and probably never could or would be enforcable to any degree.


              • #8
                Alternatively if there are DMs on who are not busy and are feeling particularly pleasant they may come and clean up the area for you =)

                Admittedly it's not often that a DM is on and not busy, but you could be lucky!
                Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                • #9
                  Manually clean up an area or advise the player to wait 10 minutes? Tough call...

                  Gevaudan, I sympathize in one aspect. These areas are designed specifically to offer challenges to a specific range of levels. If I see higher levels going through these areas, I will present them with an adequate challenge. They've been warned twice now, mwahaha!
                  "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                  -Bill Maher


                  • #10
                    To match these two in there posts about DMs cleaning up an area, the DM's have the ability to type .dmcleanup. This will trigger a imediate cleanse of the area as soon as the last person exits it.


                    • #11
                      ah did not know that Sean until right now ... next time I'll just make a tactical retreat (ie flee to satan) and come back in 10 min or so

                      *To see these portraits on my characters in game just click on the signature pic to download an NWN2 version of all the portraits and extract it to your "..\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\portraits" folder.


                      • #12
                        Yeah the worst of it happened to me once, as a low level in the Hills. Some high level ran through invisibly to get to the caves, spawned everything, and because of where I was, I was completely unable to get out of the zone alive. Every exit had the high level spawns between me and them, and of course those little goblin legs outrun anyone so sadly I died just trying to run for the border. Really annoying!


                        • #13
                          Pfft. Toughen up. God forbid you encounter any spawns you weren't prepared for. You might have to run. Believe it or not, Sundren is not supposed to be entirely predictable. Now, you can complain about high levels running through an area, letting the enemies chase them to the area exit and leaving them to ambush whoever comes in next. But the spawns in the hills are not so drastically scaled that higher levels need a reprimand. You learn in a very short amount of time how to properly prepare yourself for just such occasions. For IC and OOC reasons. Those without invisibility potions, I'm talking to you.

                          I'm not entirely sympathetic to the victims. Dying sucks. But there are worse ways to die than in legitimate combat. At least with high level spawns, you get a chance for a good RP moment. Dying is even better, and hardly anyone RPs death well. "I got better" is the stereotypical response. Be extremely glad there is no perma-death on Sundren (at least not through spawns ).
                          Dalian - Shapeshifter of the Tuatha Dé Dúlra
                          "My true identity goes beyond the outer roles I play. It transcends the Self."
                          UTC -4


                          • #14
                            Hmm... talking about Invisibility potions...
                            Remember those potions Cirion runs around handing the new characters, could come in handy if such a thing happens. Though I admit he has been slacking behind on that job recently.

                            You could also use those barkskin potions(which Cirion hands out) or go out and buy some strength potions, stock up on healing kits. Also I noticed that when you go there with a group, things go over much better than when you're by yourself.

                            If you think about it ICly... Would a person go around attacking Goblins, alone, in the home cave? I mean the person would either be stupid or have a great backup plan when doing such a thing. Even my character does when he enters the Viridale.

