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A question about posted laws

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  • A question about posted laws

    I was doing a little research on the laws of Sundren and came up with this. The questions in my mind came up as I listened in on a couple of different RP arguments while in "Wild" areas.


    These say that they apply in city/town propers. How does it work in the forest/caves/etc? For example, Cartel thugs are humans (i.e. of good race) but it seems acceptable to kill them. By inference, I'm currently led to believe that the rule of self-defense and/or vigilantism exist in the outskirts of the town/city propers. So if two humans were caught in the woods --- one alive and bloody and one dead, how does the Sundren law apply? (e.g. the one alive is turned in for manslaughter/murder?) Granted, you'll run into issues proving it without witnesses but how does that work?
    Jos'iah Ithildurin - Semper, a guardian of Haldemar. "One should always be faithful"
    Elijah - Warrior Mage and Legionairre of Sundren. "My axe and my magic will cleave you!"
    Duskthorne - Bounty Hunter. "Every land needs a masked man to do the dirty work for them" (personal heroes: The Knight of the Flying Rodent and The Monk of the Arachnid Order)

  • #2
    “History is written by the victors.” Winston Churchill (British Orator, Author and Prime Minister during World War II. 1874-1965)


    • #3
      Law is usually taken into your own hands when you're found on the outskirts of cities or in 'wild areas'. Places like the Crossroads, the Viridale (although, the Keeper and the Druids are known to step in), Necropolis, etc.
      "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

      Originally posted by DM Cornuto
      Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


      • #4
        It was my understanding that the laws of Sundren apply to the entire valley - but obviously the government has difficulty enforcing all laws in all areas. Towns and cities have the most resources and capability to have laws enforced, while caverns, forests etc. generally are for the most part unwatched (except by the aforementioned groups of interest).

        I don't think the law changes when you step outside a town - it's just easier to get away with it when guards aren't walking by every two minutes.


        • #5
          In the words of Judge Joe Dredd, "I am the law!"

          Got out early from work... woot. hehe

          well hurt my foot and got sent home.
          Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


          • #6
            Exigo territory is private property, and thus, to some extent it also follows slightly modified rules. To what extent though, I'm not sure. The laws are complicated in Sundren, I suppose.

            To Mold a Mind:

            "Her body will be fortified, her mind will be taken and reforged, and her heart shall be sworn only to uphold that which I demand. And as for her soul, well - she can have that back when she's dead."


            • #7
              Originally posted by wangxiuming View Post
              It was my understanding that the laws of Sundren apply to the entire valley - but obviously the government has difficulty enforcing all laws in all areas. Towns and cities have the most resources and capability to have laws enforced, while caverns, forests etc. generally are for the most part unwatched (except by the aforementioned groups of interest).

              I don't think the law changes when you step outside a town - it's just easier to get away with it when guards aren't walking by every two minutes.
              To a certain degree, I thought the above too. But then something dawned on me, it means that lawful good types can't fight cartel or veritas unless they were sanctioned by the law (e.g. a legionnaire) or if the Sundren authorities put bounties on their heads (which basically authorizes the common citizen and therefore "lawful"). I haven't seen either one.

              But how about bandits (Evil PC's) in the Viridale?

              But if the law doesn't extend past the outskirts of city/town propers, does that mean then that Legionnaires (e.g. Maximillian) can't arrest someone in the forest if that person murders someone before his eyes? (It's different if the said person was already declared a criminal. I'm speaking of the "crime" occurring in the Wild lands. )

              Sorry. Not trying to make things complicated. This doesn't affect my character at the moment, but I'm thinking of fellows like Max, paladins, and the Evil PC's that have a way with words (I'm thinking of a particular bald headed wizard in red *grin*)

              Don't you love bureaucracies?
              Jos'iah Ithildurin - Semper, a guardian of Haldemar. "One should always be faithful"
              Elijah - Warrior Mage and Legionairre of Sundren. "My axe and my magic will cleave you!"
              Duskthorne - Bounty Hunter. "Every land needs a masked man to do the dirty work for them" (personal heroes: The Knight of the Flying Rodent and The Monk of the Arachnid Order)


              • #8
                I always assumed that the cartel and Veritas, or any other monster-spawn for that matter, were by default "wanted" by the Sundarian government. The cartel's activities are, I assume, illegal. And Sundren is at war with the Veritas. If a paladin goes to bring them in and is forced to use deadly force to defend himself, well ... that's hardly cold-blooded murder, is it? O=)

                Obviously it's probably not so simple, but for convenience's sake, that's the take I always put on persistent worlds.


                • #9
                  Think of Sundren as the 'Wild West', partner... The laws only apply so long as there are witnesses left to your crime. So really, fighting with one person, might lead to you having to silence a whole crowd, all to determine who gets to stay in town and who has to pack up and leave Dodge.
                  Daelus Bloodmoon (a.k.a. "Thistlegrasper") - Ranger, untrusting and sarcastic ne'er-do-well, and overall jerk.

                  Dae's theme (For now at least): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdNh9f2Wwm0

