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Disguises vs Concealment

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  • Disguises vs Concealment

    With the addition of the disguise button/floating face, I think there is some confusion about the difference between being disguised and being concealed. (Myself included) Hence I asked for some official advise. This is what I got:

    (PS: I posted a brief blurb of it in the Skill section in the wiki . You can reference it along with other responsible RP notes for the other skills in Sundren http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...e=SkillvsSkill )

    (PPS: There are other posts on disguise that may be helpful even if they're outdated and don't have the new custom skills mentioned. Such as... http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1246 )

    If you're disguised your trying to pass off your voice as someone else's.
    If you're concealed your trying to make your voice unrecognizable.

    Difference? When you conceal it your not making any efforts to hide the fact your concealing it.
    When you disguise it, your intentionally trying to present a specific idea to another person.

    Trying to make yourself sound like a woman = disguise.
    Using high, low, gravelly, and luther vandross voices all in succession = concealment.

    Spot is the ability to see thru a deception. ("Hi I'm a wizard of the hands of Mundus and my name is charlie and yes this is my natural hair color")

    Concealment isn't trying to deceive anyone. Concealment doesn't care who knows its concealed, just that it is. ("Hi I'm wearing this mask and talking like mickey mouse so you can't tell who I am.")

    A good example in item wear is this: Hooded Black masks: Good for concealment, worthless for disguise. (Which a certain DM screwed them up and I have to fix them now) If no one can see you how can you present a disguise?

    Same goes with voices. If your talking in a crazed stupid voice, no ones going to figure out who you are, but its gonna be plainly obvious that your trying to hide your voice.

    People concealed, DO NOT get past the gate guards. People in disguse walk thru without a second glance.
    Jos'iah Ithildurin - Semper, a guardian of Haldemar. "One should always be faithful"
    Elijah - Warrior Mage and Legionairre of Sundren. "My axe and my magic will cleave you!"
    Duskthorne - Bounty Hunter. "Every land needs a masked man to do the dirty work for them" (personal heroes: The Knight of the Flying Rodent and The Monk of the Arachnid Order)