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sorry for not being on latley...

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  • sorry for not being on latley...

    I felt that I needed to kinda say sorry for not being on, my comp. was on the fritz, so I need to get that fixed, so I'm using a Guest PC and installing the game and server on a guest PC, been waiting for the opprutune moment to do so, my mom frowns on me installing stuff on this PC, but she's not here, and not very perspective :P so expect me back in the hour
    Why does the rain fall so slow, when everything else moves so fast?

    Aarox Darkstone: Temp. Theme ~The most despicable people arn't those who push people around, but the people that have the power and do nothing but sit around.

  • #2
    Ok...now, I guess I lied in the last post but yea, stuff came up, my GF abducted me, I nearly caused end of the world, but I'm back! (I hope) Hopefully I should be on after school today (damn time change....) so expect me on around 2-2:30 hope to see ya in Sundren :P and maybe I'll finnaly get a backstory as to why Aarox is the favored soul of a Bardic god XD
    Why does the rain fall so slow, when everything else moves so fast?

    Aarox Darkstone: Temp. Theme ~The most despicable people arn't those who push people around, but the people that have the power and do nothing but sit around.


    • #3
      See you then.
      Yup, I put a signature in..


      • #4

        Nah, just kidding. Better that you be on some of the time rather than none of the time. See ya when we see ya.
        Dalian - Shapeshifter of the Tuatha Dé Dúlra
        "My true identity goes beyond the outer roles I play. It transcends the Self."
        UTC -4


        • #5
          I , Do not forgive you.
          Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


          • #6
            Aw, I'm sorry about that. So THATS Why I never saw your character in the server

