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  • apology

    I apologize for calling the server gay. It was immature and childish i admit. I didnt mean anything by it, this is a fun server and i would like to stay.

  • #2
    Good choice. ;O


    • #3
      I...didnt know servers had sexual preferences.

      Anyways, everyone gets angry, and when we get angry we get defensive... its human nature. Also, Im sure you'll get angry again, but hopefully it wont stop you from having fun, thats what I've learned at least.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ichbin View Post
        I...didnt know servers had sexual preferences.
        Servers are people too

        Side note or rather my main point, i think it takes a strong person to apologias.
        Jamith Kingston: Proud to a fault and more enterprising then your average bear.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Garignak View Post
          I apologize for calling the server gay. It was immature and childish i admit. I didnt mean anything by it, this is a fun server and i would like to stay.
          The server is alot of fun indeed ! Very gay ! Sundren is gay gay gay gay

          ( In contemporary usage, the adjective gay usually refers to homosexual
          people. In earlier usage, the word meant "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy" -Wiki )
          Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

          Desmonia Flashir

          GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


          • #6
            Good choice indeed - both the apology and wanting to continue here.

            Side note or rather my main point, i think it takes a strong person to apologias.
            Only partially true imo. It does take a mature person to apologize when there is absolutely nothing to gain from the apology. Do we have that situation here?
            Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


            • #7
              yes.. its hard to apologize, ive lost a few friends because of my stubborness >>.


              • #8
                heeheehee..if you get mad just go to one of those action servers where there is no roleplay...beat the crap out of stuff until you figure out its boring as hell compared to a place like Sundren...

