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Sorry to Darius Greylock and question about AFK

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  • Sorry to Darius Greylock and question about AFK

    First off let me say sorry to Darius Greylock for bolting so fast in mid role play. I had something that demanded my immediate attention and I went "Sorry gotta go AFK for a sec". When I came back he was gone. Sorry for the rudeness.

    My question is about the new AFK area. When you go AFK to that spectacular kobold area, it does take your body out of game to that area right? If it is as it appears, that is such a genius idea. I don't know how many times on the old NWN server if something drastic would happen either two things would transpire: 1) you would have to take a minute or two to go find an area that you wouldn't get spawned on and killed or 2) you would run off to access the situation only to come back and find yourself in the Fugue plane.

    So if that is how it does indeed work, great job. And once again sorry Darius Greylock for running off so fast.
    The possibility of going mad between sword strokes was as much the enemy as the relentless and grasping dead.
    -Conan and the Midnight God