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While Sundren Is Down

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  • While Sundren Is Down


    From now until when the module is back up, we are going to be having a few contests and events to keep you occupied. We expect the module to come back up by Monday evening.

    IRC Roleplaying

    Currently going on RIGHT now on irc.neverwinterconnections.com in #Sundren and #SundrenRP, Sean and Mach are leading an IC RP session. I hear some fun items may be given out on IRC that will also be given to characters in-game ...

    Best Short Story Contest

    I will be judging a short story/letter (under 3000 words) contest. Stories should be written by your character to inhabitants of Sudren, as if recalling a tale, writing a letter or book, etc. If your character is illiterate, they can tell a story instead. This is for NEW stories.

    The winner will receive 1000 XP and 5000 stags for the character used.

    Name That Faction Contest

    Phantom Lamb needs help naming a new faction. How much information he chooses to divulge on their background is up to him. He may tell you everything OOC, or he may tell you nothing. He may taunt you with clues. But, if anyone can help him name the faction they will be awarded with 1000 XP to the character of their choice.

    Sundren Artwork Contest

    Are you an artist? Let's see some Sundren art. 1000 XP to the person who submits the best piece. Runners up receive 500 XP each.

    Staff Playlist

    Think you know the staff? Pick a theme song for each of the following members of the staff: Sharringtonm, Machiavelli, Slanke, Leaving Hope, Saulus, Wyld Rose, and Phantom Lamb. If possible, link to lyrics and/or youtube videos.

    This one is just for fun, and remember, be nice.

    Best In-Game Quotes

    Have some memorable quotes? Let's hear them!

  • #2
    When shall all of these things be judged? Before the server actually comes back online?
    Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

    Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


    • #3
      Where should you PM these stuff, or post them somewhere?
      Ise Prakt the Snow Crow


      • #4
        Originally posted by Orlandu View Post
        Where should you PM these stuff, or post them somewhere?
        Post them in the appropriate message threads.

        Contests will end when the module comes back up. If you need help posting an image, PM me.


        • #5
          Or I could just go play on another server til Sundren comes back.
          Elix Bloodfeather - deleted

          Sardo Numspa - deleted

          Hakafu Fujisawa - tried to remake and now bugged

          New class- Sardo revisited - Certa Morte- Damyn Locke


          • #6
            Originally posted by MrDeadman View Post
            Or I could just go play on another server til Sundren comes back.

            True, but you can do some of this at the same time. Fun stuff!
            Don't run...you'll only die tired.


            • #7
              Yes, I agree, fun stuff! I'm doing the song one right now

              Also I refuse to play another server....
              Rhime - or is he?


              • #8
                DM's! Entertain us loyal fanatics in the IRC!! Teh please?
                Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.

