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EL races

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  • EL races

    I am curious how this is going to work *please pardon my ignorance if its already been posted*.

    For example. I love drow. Will a drow be able to reach level 20 or stop at 18?

  • #2
    In NWN 1 they would be maxed at 18. But NWN 2 changed this...all races no matter what ECL will eventually be able to reach level 20. Thank Obsidian for this.
    "My dual blades shall seek those who defy nature's art. For the spirit of the forest lives within my heart."
    ~Telemir Arelieth - Ranger of Chauntea


    • #3
      We could limit that easily. It's a value in a module that says maximum attainable experience. If we set it to 190,000 then drow would be stuck at level 18.

      Will we turn it on? Still undecided. Level 18 and 20's are so far off from right now it's one of those "We'll consider it later" deals.


      • #4
        In case of a wipe (or when the wipe is) it would be good to know, since it affect your starting stats.
        Malak Hekkus - Ex merchant
        Rex Romo - Sailor and cleric


        • #5


          • #6
            The ECL races are already going to have a rough time leveling and dealing with RP hell (for some) that it might be rewarding to be able to get to 20.
            Heh, i guess my characters are deleted, now. Updating char list soon!


            • #7
              Drow are quite impossible to level up. You cannot party with anyone, as there is nothing to cover your face. For example, I walk by at night with a helmet on and barely any of my face showing, except players see my drow name and poof! they auto know my character is a drow from a mile away!
              thats amazing!
              so when you figure out there is no possible way to group with anyone, seeing as there are NO drow on this server, you can begin walking around in wide circles in areas with no people.
              We need more drow out here. so the one or two of us that are around can actually have a party to group/rp with.
              Have you ever tried to solo a goblin at lvl 1? its not happening.


              Nhilana D'ilstar
              Exile of Lloth


              • #8
                Originally posted by Reflex View Post
                Drow are quite impossible to level up. You cannot party with anyone, as there is nothing to cover your face. For example, I walk by at night with a helmet on and barely any of my face showing, except players see my drow name and poof! they auto know my character is a drow from a mile away!
                thats amazing!
                so when you figure out there is no possible way to group with anyone, seeing as there are NO drow on this server, you can begin walking around in wide circles in areas with no people.
                We need more drow out here. so the one or two of us that are around can actually have a party to group/rp with.
                Have you ever tried to solo a goblin at lvl 1? its not happening.


                Life is hard being a drow trying to find a life on the surface in a human settlement. That's just a matter of fact for FR.

                I'm sure you can come up with creative ways to interact with good RPers and find some people to travel with. i.e. there are always unsavory/unscrupulous or desperate adventurers who'll join up if enough gold is offered.

                Also, good RPers will let you have a helmet on and even RP having a full face helmet since there aren't any at the shops (a terrible drawback and rather odd since the server allows drow on the surface; also another reason for a starting area only merchant to equip a PC upon creation) if you have some kind of helmet on and emote/description that it's a full face helmet - now the helmet alone isn't enough to fool smarter PCs as drow are much shorter than humans and other elves in FR, but you may have a better chance (with bluff skills especially) at finding people that won't mind letting someone join them.

                If anything, I've found a fairly large number of PCs that are very open minded about traveling with drow. Of course, if a group of elves approach, 95% of the time you'd better close the faceplate on your helmet and either hide, be ready to talk fast, prepare for some grief, or be ready to fight. Putting on a 'tude in front of a group of elves as a surface drow is suicidal, or would be if it weren't for the fact that many of us elven players are being somewhat nice and erring on the side of being too lenient.

                Drizzt does not go around telling the people that fear or hate him how pathetic they are; he expects that and understands fully and acts accordingly, which is part of the reason that eventually some of them come to respect him.
                PC - Corwin Eska'las (Sun Elf pursuing the dream of becoming a Bladesinger)

                Alt PC - Brevin Smoothands (meticulously groomed half orc bard swashbuckler... sort of... sings great, less fighting)


                • #9
                  youve given me a little hope .
                  hopefully players out there will cut me some slack and go along with the full helmet RP.
                  Nhilana D'ilstar
                  Exile of Lloth


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Reflex View Post
                    Drow are quite impossible to level up. You cannot party with anyone, as there is nothing to cover your face. For example, I walk by at night with a helmet on and barely any of my face showing, except players see my drow name and poof! they auto know my character is a drow from a mile away!

                    thats amazing!

                    so when you figure out there is no possible way to group with anyone, seeing as there are NO drow on this server, you can begin walking around in wide circles in areas with no people.

                    We need more drow out here. so the one or two of us that are around can actually have a party to group/rp with.

                    Have you ever tried to solo a goblin at lvl 1? its not happening.



                    There's drow out there, and there will likely be more eventually. I'm also seeing if I can get more information on Lore regarding Drow in the area which might help to bring the very few we have into some things.

                    The problem is, Drow as a race weren't -really- meant to just hop in and mix with common people, which is partly why we limitted them, as well as everyone getting upset because people were racist to them. Not to mention everybody tends towards the "evil" races.

                    Truth be told, I'd be more willing to just smite Drow PCs who entered into a town out in the open except for these three reasons.

                    1) There's no Drow safe haven on the server at all, so tossing them out means the player can't engage in play.

                    2) I'm not that keen on smiting low levels, no matter what race they are

                    3) Some players don't know the background history of Drow too well and might feel "Picked on" due to #1 and #2 mixing with a huge mob of players trying to off them.

                    So for now, Drow are alright in the cities. We'll see what we can get done in the future.


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Reflex View Post
                      Drow are quite impossible to level up. You cannot party with anyone, as there is nothing to cover your face.
                      Ask my character ICly and you might get a group. Not everyone is a fluffy bunny hugger.

                      P.S. You get bonus points for having a character from The Wire as your avatar.
                      Dhaot Stoneshadow - Fledgling Wizard.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jhiroth View Post
                        Ask my character ICly and you might get a group. Not everyone is a fluffy bunny hugger.

                        P.S. You get bonus points for having a character from The Wire as your avatar.


                        Nhilana D'ilstar
                        Exile of Lloth


                        • #13
                          Additionally.. and this is just my observation.. but I have noticed a large population of "good drow". Drizzt is one in a million folks. It's particularly annoying to me to see half demons out in the middle of the street with nothing covering their faces and then getting mad when my characters don't like them. If you are going to be a drow or tiefling and go into town, for goodness sake at least put on a chain mesh helmet piece. Otherwise, don't be angry when a horde of characters gathers who don't like you.
                          Virsing Etorix - blood thirsty axe for hire.

                          Faderiel Rashedwa - singer, dancer, noble.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Darkfangs View Post
                            Additionally.. and this is just my observation.. but I have noticed a large population of "good drow". Drizzt is one in a million folks. It's particularly annoying to me to see half demons out in the middle of the street with nothing covering their faces and then getting mad when my characters don't like them. If you are going to be a drow or tiefling and go into town, for goodness sake at least put on a chain mesh helmet piece. Otherwise, don't be angry when a horde of characters gathers who don't like you.
                            It's just your observation. And the only thing more abundant than good drow is people complaining about them.

                            *Pulls topic back on course*


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Darkfangs View Post
                              Additionally.. and this is just my observation.. but I have noticed a large population of "good drow". Drizzt is one in a million folks. It's particularly annoying to me to see half demons out in the middle of the street with nothing covering their faces and then getting mad when my characters don't like them. If you are going to be a drow or tiefling and go into town, for goodness sake at least put on a chain mesh helmet piece. Otherwise, don't be angry when a horde of characters gathers who don't like you.
                              Or, you know, it could be that the drow are smart enough not to run around flaunting their evilness because they know people will smite them, repeatedly. So they blend in while in town and try to not be ovelry evil in the presence of others. After all, evil people DO lie. Sometimes, even actions lie.

