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Drug System

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  • Drug System

    I want to further debug the drug system to make sure everything is working properly.

    Does anyone have a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness? Page 41+ describes the drug system. More or less I need a few people with the book who I can give a few of the drugs to and they can test the various rules in the system to make sure they are operating correctly (yes the system is that big). There will be some small inconsistencies from the book to the game simply because the rules don't translate 100%, but essentially it should work as per the book rules.

    I've been sitting on this system for a long while now and I want to deploy it in Sundren, but I also want to make sure it lives up to what its supposed to do before I start working on the disease portion . So far my main include is already 1000 lines, combined with the rest of the system it's about 2500 lines of code at the very least.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin

  • #2
    I've got the book of vile darkness right here in PDF lol. I'm also willing to help you test if you need some help.
    Rhime - or is he?


    • #3
      I have a copy of the book as well and can help test if you need me.
      James Arrow: Potion Vendor


      • #4
        I have a glass of straight gin right in front of me. Does that count too? Or do i need something "stronger"?


        • #5
          Got the book sitting next too me , be glad too help
          Favorite quote : "Lets see..if they were children, Cirion would be pulling mara's pigtails , Os would be drawling on walls and Grom would be playing with matches."

