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Might be awhile

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  • Might be awhile

    Hey guys it might be awhile before you see me again. I am stationed in Iraq and last night my laptop died on me. The motherboard burned out. Soooo I have to send my computer back to the states, where someone will come and fix it. Then I have to wait for it to get back out here. This sucks for me because I am still new to the world and was REALLY starting to enjoy my self. I hope everyone will still be around upon my return. It will be at best 3 weeks before I see my computer again, but most likely almost a month. I thought I would let you all know, I will try to stay active on the forums, maybe post a few RP, and try to read whats going on, so im not at a complete lose when I come back. Hope to see you all soon

    Godjinrai Moonfall
    Hatsumi the Rising Sun

  • #2
    Ah damn.. Sorry to hear that :/

    Do post RP on the forums, I'll tag along!
    "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

    Originally posted by DM Cornuto
    Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


    • #3
      Looking forward to your return!
      I got one leg missin'
      How do I get around?

      One Leg Missin'
      Meet the Feebles


      • #4
        Hope you return soon. Let me also thank you for everything you are doing over there. You guys do not get enough thanks.
        Osclow Wiltenholm- "I have seen behind the mask and almost miss the bliss of ignorance."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Silas North View Post
          Hope you return soon. Let me also thank you for everything you are doing over there. You guys do not get enough thanks.

          Thank you very much.

          And everyone, I look forward to coming back. My laptop going down sucks, its like my source of communication and entertainment, I got nothing to do now lol.


          • #6
            Ha, you speak as if us forumites are uninteresting.
            But seriously, sorry about the burn out; that sucks. Good luck staving off the boredom.


            • #7
              well I got the computer sent off yesterday, Its not going to take as long as I expected but at least 3-4 weeks instead of months. So I hope it will get back to me soon. Im working on my Rp to post, its going to be long so its taking awhile :P Not sure if there is any post by post events ever done on here but I will keep my eyes out.


              • #8
                That sucks man, glad you can at least hang out on the forums!
                The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                George Carlin

