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Lesser Deity Interaction.

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  • Lesser Deity Interaction.

    I was just kinda curious how a follower of a lesser deity should interact with others. this is the first character I've rolled and used a lesser deity. He's a druid devoted to Malar. It promises to be a fun build as he's not so much "in tune with nature" like most other druids in RP. He's a lot more "in tune with primal animal instinct." Mix in a little barbarian and frenzied berserker and he becomes quite the beastly savage.

    But, to the point: Malar is a lesser deity of bloodlust, hunting, yadda yadda yadda. He's in the fury pantheon with talos and a couple of others. But, he's also under an alliance with Bane. Now, I don't know where the Bane alliance is in the timeline that Sundren is, but the info I found said when Bane returned, he rekindled that alliance.

    So, does this give me anything towards the followers of these alliances, or does this have little to do with me? And if I can be involved on that level, does this mean that I should be submissive? Most of my encounters have gone grainy at best since nobody seems to know who Malar is I'm just looking for ways to enhance my encounters with the more dramatic, fanatical types.

    And, I know someone following Malar should prolly keep it to themselves, but my character is unstable at best and lothes those that repress the animal rage within! :P

    Larando de'Kaun: Larando's history.
    Originally posted by Gabryal
    is it just me or is Larando kind of the Monty Python of villains? It seems that everything he tries doesn't just go wrong, but horribly so
    Cazador: The marauding beast's heart.
    "The Hunt must be clean. If disease or affliction is visited on hunters by a beast, clergy of Malar must do all they can to root out and exterminate the taint, that bloodlines and beasts in the wild remain always strong." -The gospel of Saernclaws

  • #2
    I think you can probably take those enemies as understanding of who your god would disapprove of you worshiping. Obviously Shar and Selune are in most cases going to heavily disapprove of their followers worshiping the other one. Of course they have to find out about it too.

    But, generally, I wouldn't put much emphasis on godly alliances. You are, after all, playing a mortal, and start as a low level one at that. Any working arrangements you should have with other druids/clerics should be generally made known to you via your god or senior clergy (which are usually DMs). If your character doesn't know of any specific working arrangements, then they should just tend to the issues for their own god.

    But you don't want to walk up to a Banite and go "Hey I'm from Malar lets be pals!" If Malar wants you to work with them for him, he should tell you. If not then you would probably know enough just to leave them alone and not interfere with them. You have to figure, while Bane and Malar may be allies, there may be no reason for their followers to work closely together in some regions.


    • #3
      Thanks for the input. Yeah, I don't think my character is gonna offer to wander in and help anyone (I have to fight the urge to heal random PC's in trouble that I encounter do to RP). But knowing enough to stay clear of the bantites and such is what I was wondering.

      Although, I do have a RL friend that's playing a stormlord and I RP with him a lot. But, I assume by what I've read on Talos, he doesn't require systematic killing/domination of others quite like Bane does. The random chaotic destruction of Talos fits well with the bloodlusting hunter of Malar. It's the Banites I was concerned about interacting with.

      But, you've answered my question. And, I don't really walk up to people and make known my allegiances. I just don't hide it. I usually reserve that for the cleric/fanatic types that come in saying Helm (or other goody goody deity) bless you or some such a matter. And then I'm like "Malar blesses my hunt" or something. And then they'll say "OOC whose Malar?"

      But it's cool. with exposure, people will prolly get into the RP of it.
      Larando de'Kaun: Larando's history.
      Originally posted by Gabryal
      is it just me or is Larando kind of the Monty Python of villains? It seems that everything he tries doesn't just go wrong, but horribly so
      Cazador: The marauding beast's heart.
      "The Hunt must be clean. If disease or affliction is visited on hunters by a beast, clergy of Malar must do all they can to root out and exterminate the taint, that bloodlines and beasts in the wild remain always strong." -The gospel of Saernclaws


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dark presence View Post
        But you don't want to walk up to a Banite and go "Hey I'm from Malar lets be pals!"
        Exactly.. If you check out the lore behind Torm and Helm the deitys themselves have a friendship/alliance, but Tormites and Helmites are usually bitter towards each other (Except in Sundren.)
        "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

        Originally posted by DM Cornuto
        Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.

