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  • Howdy!

    How are you gentlemen, all your base are belong to us!

    ...I mean, hello everyone!

    I just joined the staff here at Sundren as a Junior DM. I'm looking forward to good roleplay and fun. I've been a DM for two other servers over my Neverwinter Nights years. I also have experience DMing in Rolemaster (Rollmaster for those in the know!) and have played many other PnP RP games. And yes, I was once an EQ / WoW junkie as well.

    As a junior DM, I will be doing the following:
    • Supporting current plots by other DMs with minor events
    • Providing flavor to NPCs through possession
    • Running minor hack-and-slash, go-fetch, and other simple spontaneous events
    • Rewarding good roleplay with cookie XP
      (HINT: I am partial to heroes and villains with weaknesses. Show me the human side of your character, not the 80's cartoon side!)
    • Taking requests for minor PC development quests
      Is your PC looking for a mark to rob? Do you want to spend time helping the poor in the city? Send me a tell.
    • Resolving OOC problems and monitoring in-game "issues"
    I have been known to take my events into PnP-style, round-based play if necessary. I'm very open to suggestion if you feel I'm misinterpreting a DnD rule, so long as the PC phrases it respectfully and not repetitively. I'm not afraid to admit I'm wrong and do revisionist history if necessary.

    Looking forward to some fun with everyone!
    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher

  • #2


    • #3
      Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


      • #4
        My level 7 Red Power Ranger has only one major flaw - There are no other awesome power rangers on the server to merge Zords with.
        "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

        Originally posted by DM Cornuto
        Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


        • #5
          Hano's flaw, or talent it seems, is being able to "sleep" at the Exigo campfire for hours on end while others chat around him.
          "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
          -Bill Maher


          • #6
            And there I thought Mirko was the only one who did that

            And welcome to the new new victi- The new DM!
            Annaleen Wiltenholm-There's always something to smile about.
            Chani Kalera- Intimidation is the new diplomacy. *looms*
            Eleanor "Bloody Elle" Lark - Why is the rum always gone?
            Yolanda Brown - If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is going to suck.
            Astrid Hammerhand - Och!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Phantom Lamb View Post
              Hano's flaw, or talent it seems, is being able to "sleep" at the Exigo campfire for hours on end while others chat around him.
              YOU CAN SEE INTO MY MIND!?

              No, I have a habit of trailing off and doing things (reading forums, checking email) waiting for people to log in/show up at the campfire.
              "Kaeldorn hates players." -Albert Einstein

              Originally posted by DM Cornuto
              Lollercide coming back to the server, that dude's the Kobe Bryant of meta-gaming.


              • #8
                Welcome! Hope you'll add a good amount of flavor to the world of Sundren

                Uhm... was it you who played the dwarven smith who was annoyed by Yashia and Sehron having casual conversation inside his smithy? Sounds like it could be, from the things you just wrote about yourself


                • #9
                  Hell yeah!

                  Oh.. right, welcome.
                  Originally posted by Lollercide
                  Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


                  • #10
                    Awesome! More DMs yeah. Awesome that you will be applying PnP style rules. I'm fairly well versed in them, though 4E is just around the corner.
                    Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                    Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                    Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


                    • #11
                      Sounds awesome dude. Now I'm slightly more ticked that I am unable to play NWN2. More DM's that haven't quite fallen to the dark side yet (like Dune here has) are welcome.
                      Your friendly neighborhood drunk


                      • #12
                        Many people don't realise, I'm actually good!
                        Originally posted by Lollercide
                        Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


                        • #13
                          I'm good too, I promise

                          And a big shout out to the spectral sheep!
                          I got one leg missin'
                          How do I get around?

                          One Leg Missin'
                          Meet the Feebles


                          • #14
                            Welcome Phantom Lamb!

                            It seems that last night I was mistaken, I thought some other DM changed their name to phantom lamb I mean c'mon how ridicu... I mean, so you were the one who turned my little goblin hunt into an omg dm decided to spawn 6 goblins on me and make me run away hunt.

                            Welcome anyways.
                            Rhime - or is he?


                            • #15
                              Well Jaeram, if you see [DM] Werecow online then that's me, and you better run! >=)
                              I got one leg missin'
                              How do I get around?

                              One Leg Missin'
                              Meet the Feebles

