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Lets talk about disguise

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  • #16
    Disguise Self and 1000 faces:
    In PNP , the druid abililty called "1000 faces" actually references the spell "disguise self" as "it functions the same as" . Problem being is that disguise self is an illusion spell. Obviously 1000 faces wouldn't be. Hence we stop debating and we call it a +10 to disguise. Tao taught me the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid). The more we apply that, the happier we will be.

    Alter Self:
    Due to game mechanics, we can't do everything we'd like with alter self because it trully is a transmutation spell, BUT to simplify things, we'll just do the +10 to disguise. Regardless, theres only one PC that can cast alter self on the server at the moment, so its really a moot point right now. I think when alter self becomes widely available to spell casters and prcs...we'll have settled into a comfortable norm by then.

    Remember folks, if someone whos name you recognize walks up to you .. and something about them just doesn't look right.. do an examine.. it will say polymoph if they are under the spell.

    (I might institute disguise kits to simulate 1000 faces later for non casters so that they have the polymorph effect as well)


    • #17
      I think the main problem with employing disguise in NWN2 is that it's difficult to use the familiarity rules and such. I think the part where poor Irame was cheated was when he was identified while his back was turned wearing a different outfit with his head covered.
      "Mad" Jack Flynn - "Godless wanderer"


      • #18
        I want a ninja disguise kit!

        Edit : Also, pirates, then we can truly see who is better.
        Rhime - or is he?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mighty_Draco View Post
          I think the main problem with employing disguise in NWN2 is that it's difficult to use the familiarity rules and such. I think the part where poor Irame was cheated was when he was identified while his back was turned wearing a different outfit with his head covered.
          Well, the group would of searched near by people, not to mention, that was a quick disguise. Both sides I suppose could argue, but the event is over so not really a point.

          I'm sure if we all use a bit of common sense, all will be well (famous last words).

          Also, no need to be afraid of Sehron, he has an Intimidate is -1.

          Pirates are better.
          Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
          Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

          If you're searching the lines for a point
          Well, you've probably missed it
          There was never anything there
          In the first place

          Wax Fang - Majestic


          • #20
            Originally posted by sharringtonm
            With recent additions to the module, there is going to be some confusion about people in disguise and such.
            Wait wait wait. Did I miss something? What has been added?
            Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


            • #21
              Nothing has been added yet, but with it looking like the poll pushing MOMF as the next PRC, its a really good idea to get this taken care of now, instead of later.


              • #22
                I can't say I like the idea of the spell rules. The rest seems fine for mundane disguises, but the problem is, those spells allow a person to look like a completely different person. I cannot believe for half a second that anyone can look at someone who is a foot shorter with a drastically different face, race, clothes, etc. and ever come up with the conclusion that they are who they really are. The only reasonable counter is true sight.

                +10 is not useful in a D20 system, especially not with opposed skill rolls. Its even worse when its +10 to a cross class, non-used skill by casters, compared to spot which is widely used, even cross-classed. Its a couple of unlucky d20s away from getting found out by any random passerby. If you think its useful, then you have no idea how painful it is to play my hiding druid, with the +16 hide skill, EVERYONE still sees me. Even with spells adding another 12 to it, I WILL get spotted by those with spot skill. By comparison, when I start using the 1000 faces feat and these rules, my druid would have an even worse chance of going unnoticed.

                I would have a better time believing that a wisdom or intelligence roll vs. say charisma+10 would be able to say that the magically disguised person is not who they say they are. Not who they really are, ever, without true sight. A good roll should not even suggest they aren't really a half-orc or human or whatever they are pretending to be, just that they aren't who they say they are. But disguise/bluff vs. spot is totally inappropriate for the spells.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Dark presence View Post
                  ...disguise/bluff vs. spot is totally inappropriate for the spells...
                  Originally posted by sharringtonm
                  ...Until the disguise skill is implemented in the module,the bluff skill will be used in its place...
                  Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


                  • #24
                    Again, remember we are using bluff only as a temporary fix until the next patch. Please don't devolve this into a argument over the bluff skill itself and its appropriateness to this situation or I will lock it.
                    Alas, we have now gotten to the point where we are posting wether we think the the bluff skill is appropriate for the situation. I guess I wasn't believed.


