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Gate of the Sunderer - Weird problem

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  • Gate of the Sunderer - Weird problem

    Well.. I travelled with Draven, and went to gate of the sunderer, then as it was loading, I crashed (using vista, so no big surprise there). I reloaded the game, and tried to login, and crashed while loading, again. tried about 4-5 times. Then I logged on another char, and went to the gate with that one, and crashed again, and now can't login to that char as well.
    I'm itching my scalp trying to think of what the problem could be. Anyone had any trouble with the area?
    Or did I miss some info i was supposed to read about not going there?
    Or is my computer just plainly unhappy about that area I wonder, hmm.

    This is really, really odd

  • #2
    I had a problem with one particular area before.. though I didn't crash, I just didn't get ground textures so couldn't move normally. It is possible that files for this one area weren't properly transferred to you. I suggest renaming your NWN2 folder in your My Documents, starting the game once and then running the Sundren updater again. Afterwards, you can put all your other files back in the new NWN2 folder and it should work properly. It takes some time, but it worked for me.


    • #3
      Trying that, but now the updater won't work for me again :/

      Wonder why i'm having so many problems with it


      • #4
        You could try running an old updater first if you still have it somewhere... I think I read something about the new one potentially causing problems for people who didn't have an older version of Sundren installed.


        • #5
          I'm just about giving up. Might be my storage harddrive (on which the game was installed) that's giving problems, it runs -very- slowly and it's fairly unstable. My main harddrive after installing the game has 1,44 GB left, and apparently that's not enough for patching. So unless anyone knows a standalone patcher somewhere, I can't play..


          • #6
            1.44GB of HD space left isn't enough for normal operation.
            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

            George Carlin


            • #7
              Worked fine for me playing everything else than NWN2 on this computer *shrugs*


              • #8
                i got this alot. i count access my char til lthe server reset. it turens out that one of the haks i had didnt download properly or soemthin. one fo the files in anycase. mostlikey your gate of sunderer area file is corrupted. just redownload it and it should work fine.


                • #9
                  I'm having the same problem with the Gate of the Sunderer area as Eldran. I've cleared all custom content and re-downloaded all of it using the updater 3 times now. Something is up with the area or the haks it uses or the files the updater is giving us. I'm very new to the server, so i don't have any older versions of anything on my computer for the updater to skip over if that matters.


                  • #10
                    There's nothing wrong with the area or the haks, it's related to your configuration. Try turning down your NWN2 graphics settings, this can help a lot with crashing, etc.
                    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                    George Carlin


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Saulus View Post
                      There's nothing wrong with the area or the haks, it's related to your configuration. Try turning down your NWN2 graphics settings, this can help a lot with crashing, etc.
                      Tried logging in with all graphics settings at the minimum. It still crashes at the loading screen. I get through the first loading bar for loading the module, then i crash about 1 second after the second loading bar shows up on the screen.

                      I appreciate any help you guys can offer. Love everything i've seen on your server for the short time i've been playing.
                      Last edited by Malignus; 04-14-2008, 12:08 AM.


                      • #12
                        I just experienced this problem. I've been running the game on the highest graphic settings for two or three days now, and I've had no problem whatsoever. Every single thing was on the highest performance level, and I hardly even lagged, and certainly never crashed. As soon as I tried to get to the Gate, though, I crashed before it even loaded half through the progress bar! I tried to get back on three times and crashed at the same spot on the progress bar each time.

                        I tried setting my graphics to the lowest possible settings and logging in again, but the result did not change. All my other characters function fine, and do so in all other areas apart from the Gate.

                        Also, when I tried logging on to the character stuck in the area transition, after it crashed, I would open NWN2 again and find that I could no longer find Sundren on the gamespy list. I searched the IP address and it told me that the server was now offline. It would stay that way for about ten minutes before it was visible again, at which point I would just continue to crash and be unable to find the server again.

                        ...I really would like to get back on my level 15 character at some point.
                        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                        • #13
                          I'm currently working on this as I said Kangleton, just waiting for a file to upload to hosting and I'll post here when it's done.
                          I got one leg missin'
                          How do I get around?

                          One Leg Missin'
                          Meet the Feebles


                          • #14
                            Yeah, thanks a lot Mach, really. I just figured I should post here anyways, so the information is out there for anyone who might need to see it.
                            Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

                            Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


                            • #15

                              Below is a link to the TRX file for the area that people are crashing upon entering. Try replacing the version you currently have. This goes in 'My Documents\NWN2\Modules\Sundren'. The version I've uploaded from my computer is not corrupt, that much I know.


                              If this does not work, then one of three things is happening.

                              (1) Your firewall or other security software is corrupting the download for some reason. Try again without this stuff.

                              (2) This area is very large, and heavy on VFX, so it may be graphics settings as noted above. Please remember that your baseline graphics settings in windows may be a factor, and not just the NWN2 ones.

                              (3) Something else is wrong, and I have no idea what it is! I'm not one of the tech gurus around here.
                              I got one leg missin'
                              How do I get around?

                              One Leg Missin'
                              Meet the Feebles

