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Dark vision, (spell) Light?

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  • Dark vision, (spell) Light?

    Really are you people playing in a cave?

    Turn up your gamma!!

    Yup, I put a signature in..

  • #2
    The white-wash, acid-wash, stone-wash, gamma-wash.......I think those went out in the 80's
    "A thread will tie an honest man better than a chain a rogue."


    • #3
      I disagree!

      Seriously though, lighting or lack thereof is really not played up enough. Hiding people in the middle of the night should probably have +10-20 to their rolls, and treated as completely invisible beyond a certain distance. Any race without darkvision should really ignore anything past 10 feet from their charcter in an environment with no light. You can't see it!


      • #4
        Your probably right from a RP standpoint, but people already have to suspend a certain portion of disbelief when it comes to rogues, etc. Hiding in certain areas.

        Take for example the Viridale Forest. If you are a Ranger and hiding near the bridge area should people who pass by not assume that perhaps you are hiding behind a tree that doesn't show up in the engine?

        In the city itself hide in shadows could be represented by a rogue attempting to blend in with the passing throng of people on the streets etc.

        It's really subjective i suppose and should be handled on a case by case basis.
        "A thread will tie an honest man better than a chain a rogue."


        • #5
          Yes but I don't want to see your giant ball of floating light when my gamma is set high enough for me to actually see. It's like getting hit with a flash bang.

          "OMG I'm Blind!!"
          Yup, I put a signature in..


          • #6

            perhaps I should not have told everyone that....
            Yup, I put a signature in..


            • #7
              hay! lets all blind landeran!!


              • #8
                Time to pony up the light spells.
                Rhime - or is he?


                • #9
                  Cataracts kills
                  "A thread will tie an honest man better than a chain a rogue."


                  • #10
                    I agree with the hellball o' light. People don't know that they can cast it on their armor and still get the same radius of light just without the evil ball.

                    I disagree again with hiding. If there is nothing to hide behind in game, with some exceptions, theres just nothing to hide behind. Its one of those areas the game does poorly. There are so many possible situational modifers for PNP and none of them translate into the game rolls (see bluffing arguments). Obviously there are also a lot of things that the game should allow for hiding but doesn't, however I wouldn't say missing trees is one of them.

                    But even still, most people don't even try to actually hide behind anything, they just run around in hide mode, standing in the open. Pickpocketeers are the absolute worst about this. And I cringe every time someone "steps out of the shadows 3 feet in front of you".


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I'm annoyed by that wonkiness too. If we truly were following PnP rules, one could not hide without first finding cover, and even then the viewer knows they are behind that particular cover, unless they have HiPS of course.
                      Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                      Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                      Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past

