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PnP and NWN

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  • #31
    I'm not surprised that "many" people still play PnP. It will never die out for the die-hard nerds. I myself, on the other hand have only played it once and THAT was years ago. I prefer the active interface that NWN provides.
    "It is by chance that any life ends, but only by fate that it is my life and not yours." - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
    Uther: Lawful Good Fighter
    Grant Berne: Feral Druid
    Buurk gro'Baal: Bloodlusted Half-Orc
    Baelthor Ironpike: Hardy Dwarf Warrior


    • #32
      The only thing I like more about PnP than NWN is the ingenuity factor. With a liberal DM and a creative mind you can do just about anything like creating improvised weapons without a class like alchemist (i.e. pouring a large amount of alcohol under the door of a small room and igniting it to burn the skeletons and vampires inside). Also, things like wall climbing, swimming, and jumping, once NWN gets that in depth though, and all the PRCs, I will like it better entirely lol.
      Rhime - or is he?


      • #33
        I remember playing 1st edition from the box and actually played in a tournament that Gary Gygax was at in Virginia way, way back.

        I had all the 2nd edition stuff and gave it to a friend of mine when I entered the military a long time ago. He was born again and threw it all out, LOL!

        I only really played 2nd edition and loved it. I still have a bunch of figures that I painted myself (talk about relaxing) and have some of them in my "man room" set up in a castle setting.

        And, I am no closet "nerd." I play sports, stay in great shape, and still tell people I love AD&D and games online

        I know 3rd edition rules from playing NWN really, I don't have any of the books.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Jaeram View Post
          two people + 1 DM doesn't seem like it would work very well.
          Actually, that's how I've done it for some time.. it does run into problems at times, but add an NPC here and a Player Controlled Sidekick, and it all works out.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
            I remember playing 1st edition from the box and actually played in a tournament that Gary Gygax was at in Virginia way, way back.

            I had all the 2nd edition stuff and gave it to a friend of mine when I entered the military a long time ago. He was born again and threw it all out, LOL!

            I only really played 2nd edition and loved it. I still have a bunch of figures that I painted myself (talk about relaxing) and have some of them in my "man room" set up in a castle setting.

            And, I am no closet "nerd." I play sports, stay in great shape, and still tell people I love AD&D and games online

            I know 3rd edition rules from playing NWN really, I don't have any of the books.
            You're just a nerd with a really bad closet. Still a closet though.
            Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

            Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


            • #36
              I've been playing for quite awhile. I remember 1st edition, where Rangers got wizard spells and Bards were just awsome as hell.

              I played in mostly 2nd Edition, and that was mainly Dark Sun. When we played the Realms, I would often DM for Al-Qadim (Maybe I have a thing for deserts).

              Alas, I grew up, got married, had children and don't have much a chance to play PnP anymore. Neverwinter Nights 2 is my Dork Fix to feed the need I suppose.
              Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
              Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

              If you're searching the lines for a point
              Well, you've probably missed it
              There was never anything there
              In the first place

              Wax Fang - Majestic


              • #37
                Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
                And, I am no closet "nerd." I play sports, stay in great shape, and still tell people I love AD&D and games online
                Yeah, nowadays I think a lot of the old 'nerd' stereotype lines are being blurred. I would consider myself to be extremely nerdy, not only in D&D aspects and computers etc. whatever. Being nerdy shouldn't mean don't play sports, practice martial arts (unless these people have their own category of nerd? I don't know I'm pretty chocked full of nerd some times it's hard to tell, and I still feel like a nerd in my martial art lol), or do other active things. I try to get my other nerd friends to do active things all the time, and they still seem to enjoy it.

                We should promote the active nerd life style, fight the American obesity epidemic. (Now I'm an after school special).
                Rhime - or is he?


                • #38
                  4th Edition? There's no such thing! You're all crazy. LALALALALALALA, *goes back to his mountain of 3.5E books that cost him well over £200*
                  Rolvarin Diax - Thief, bandit, backstabber.

                  Hope to see you out on the roads!


                  • #39
                    What's all this talk of Nerds? I am many things, but 'Nerd' just doesn't make the cut X)
                    I got one leg missin'
                    How do I get around?

                    One Leg Missin'
                    Meet the Feebles


                    • #40
                      I prefer Geek actually, which I define as anyone who is particularly obsessed with a hobby or subject. You could be a movie geek, or a soccer geek really.
                      Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                      Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                      Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by nickbeat View Post
                        I prefer Geek actually, which I define as anyone who is particularly obsessed with a hobby or subject. You could be a movie geek, or a soccer geek really.
                        Nerd: A person of above-average intelligence or knowledge. The valedictorian was a nerd.

                        Geek: A person of above-average intelligence or knowledge regarding a specific field; a specialized nerd. The leader of the computer club was an electronics geek; he could put together anything with wires.

                        Dork: A person of below-average social skills. The dork always sat in the corner, never talking to anyone.

                        Just my opinion.


                        • #42
                          Yeah, I buy those definitions.

                          It looks like we have a fairly even spread on this poll.
                          Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                          Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                          Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


                          • #43
                            There's your next poll.

                            Are you a nerd, geek, or dork?
                            Osclow Wiltenholm- "I have seen behind the mask and almost miss the bliss of ignorance."


                            • #44
                              I'm a bit of all of those, with some jock mixed in. I guess it really depends on who you compare me to.
                              Your friendly neighborhood drunk

