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  • #16
    Originally posted by Eldran_Haart View Post
    still haven't quite figured what to play yet
    I think its a Gnome you thinking of playing...a Gnome..thats...a Gnome
    Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


    • #17
      But gnomes are so....gnomey.... and.....fat!

      I usually play humans...'cause.. yeah. I can relate O.O


      • #18
        Originally posted by Eldran_Haart View Post
        But gnomes are so....gnomey.... and.....fat!

        I usually play humans...'cause.. yeah. I can relate O.O
        Hmm perhaps that why I play Gnomes.
        Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


        • #19
          Originally posted by sparkeh View Post
          Hmm perhaps that they I play Gnomes.
          I withdraw my fat comment!

          Gnomes are...uhh.. small and...ehh...snappy?..uhm... ^^



          • #20
            Hm. Can't seem to be able to get in. Installed the sundren updater and ran it, but getting some missing .hak files error message when I try to log in.. hmm


            • #21
              Gnomes are tight, but I'm tired of playing them.


              • #22
                Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
                Gnomes are tight, but I'm tired of playing them.
                Wash your mouth out!
                Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


                • #23
                  'sup Edran Most likely doing the same as soon as the mailman is done abusing my MOTB copy. I wonder how Sundren looks and plays now. Same goes for NWN2 in it's whole. I hope the experience has improved alot Looking at my join date here (Feb 07) and the date now (Apr 08) I must have been gone longer then I can remember. Ah well, busy times

                  And how's my favorite class, the rogue? =)
                  Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

                  Desmonia Flashir

                  GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Clutch View Post
                    'sup Edran Most likely doing the same as soon as the mailman is done abusing my MOTB copy. I wonder how Sundren looks and plays now. Same goes for NWN2 in it's whole. I hope the experience has improved alot Looking at my join date here (Feb 07) and the date now (Apr 08) I must have been gone longer then I can remember. Ah well, busy times

                    And how's my favorite class, the rogue? =)

                    XD, Rogues haven't gotten much changes, I think. Luckily, theres more creatures to kill now at a higher level, rather then sneak attack immune undead. >_<. And Shadowdancer has gotten a change on the level you gain HiPS, but thats about it.

                    And uhm, welcome back ^_^

