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Can't Download Updater

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  • Can't Download Updater

    I am unable to download the updater. I am told that I need to log in order to dl it. When I am logged in I still get this window.

    Please advise.


  • #2
    Have you tried clearing your browser cache then doing it over? Sometimes that helps.

    In the Internet Explorer it's a button in the Internet Options, Firefox has a menu item under "Extras" (Clear Private Data)

    That'S all I can think of to try...

    *Edit* also, check on the top right to see if you really are logged in - maybe something went wrong with login and you didn't notice. Happens to me too
    Annaleen Wiltenholm-There's always something to smile about.
    Chani Kalera- Intimidation is the new diplomacy. *looms*
    Eleanor "Bloody Elle" Lark - Why is the rum always gone?
    Yolanda Brown - If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is going to suck.
    Astrid Hammerhand - Och!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Verrath View Post
      *Edit* also, check on the top right to see if you really are logged in - maybe something went wrong with login and you didn't notice. Happens to me too
      I get weird login issues if I use sundren.org rather than www.sundren.org - check that.
      Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


      • #4
        Click the link above the one telling you that you must be logged in. That message isn't dynamic, it was put in there because I had so many people asking me why they couldn't download. If you are logged in, then ignore the message and click the link.
        The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

        George Carlin


        • #5
          Thanks for the quick response, all!
          This was the issue:
          Originally posted by Saulus View Post
          Click the link above the one telling you that you must be logged in. That message isn't dynamic, it was put in there because I had so many people asking me why they couldn't download. If you are logged in, then ignore the message and click the link.
          Thanks, Saulus.

