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Note to Self

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  • Note to Self

    Something that I came up with not too long ago was to use the in-game journal's Notes Section to keep track of certain key individuals my character has traveled with in the past. I know that with RL, having multiple characters, and whatever else, it can be pretty hard to remember certain people and events, so I find that writing down names and key details can really help spark my memory.
    Maybe a dumb idea, but it really helps me keep up with my RP and my characters' friends.

  • #2
    I commend this heartily to all! I had pages and pages of journal notes on my last character, and they were extremely useful (only takes a sec tyo add a quick memory trigger in there).
    I got one leg missin'
    How do I get around?

    One Leg Missin'
    Meet the Feebles


    • #3
      I do it. Igneous has a ton of stuff in his journal to keep track of. I know I would never remember all that on my own.
      Your friendly neighborhood drunk


      • #4
        That's a really good idea actually.. I'm already starting to have some trouble keeping similar faces of people I have only met once or twice apart. Though it does suit my character to be a bit forgetful as one of her weaknesses. So my OOC inability to imprint everyone I meet and what I go through with them into my memory does serve my RP in a way.


        • #5
          Karthus burns journals.

          Well, not really... but what happens if someone RP's destroying a journal of someone elses? Does that mean they should be expected to erase all those notes they had? Or does that journal kind of constitute an OOC reminder of things that your character should automatically remember, but you, the player, cannot?
          Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

          Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


          • #6
            I used to keep a journal of all the people Alyrian met. Until I logged on one day and discovered my journal had erased itself - and then alyrian's friends suddenly found that he no longer remembered them.


            • #7
              Umm here is an Idea

              Pick up a pen grab a piece of paper and write it down.

              I keep side notes now anad again for several things from chracters and notes to wand cost and merchant prices


              • #8
                Pay Per? Like Pay Per View? *looks confused...
                Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
                Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
                Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past


                • #9
                  I would pick up a pen (and every now and then I still do) but my small desk is so cluttered with game manuals/boxes/disks/dental floss. The space I do have for a piece of paper (leaning against the f-keys of my keyboard (glad I don't use those for anything lol)) is normally already full of scribbled little notes already. I tend to just use the in game journal to write little things about my character like age, or something, things that I don't put in my bio, because I don't think that anyone I've never met should be able to discern any details about my character without talking to him first. So I leave my bio's blank normally. Sometimes I'll also write things like a persons alias that was given to me (that I can tell is an alias because the name over the head doesn't match) and I don't want to accidentally call them the wrong name.

                  I think I remember a DM mentioning that he enjoyed reading the stuff people put in their journals, but I don't know if he meant in game journals or forum type journals, either way I could see them both being interesting. I know if I was a DM and I could peek, I probably would.
                  Rhime - or is he?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
                    ... but what happens if someone RP's destroying a journal of someone elses? Does that mean they should be expected to erase all those notes they had? Or does that journal kind of constitute an OOC reminder of things that your character should automatically remember, but you, the player, cannot?
                    I think it kind of depends. Some things, like dear diary, would then be destroyed, sure. But the notes I was talking about, simple names and general information, would stay despite the burning. Were the game real, I'm pretty sure I'd actually remember all of that stuff because I wouldn't have term papers and the like to tear me from this fantastic world for days on end.
                    Just a thought.


                    • #11
                      I hit esc. by accident and it all erased. So I stopped doing it. (Or somehow it erased.) Anyways, lets not have that "Pick up a pen and write it down" Conversation again, cuz thats been done in the past, and just respect wut peeps wana do. But yes, a good idea if you're not lazy. :P


                      • #12
                        It's not like Jack even pretends to remember much anyhow
                        "Mad" Jack Flynn - "Godless wanderer"

