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  • #31
    Same here, should have mentioned it sooner... in a week or so, I will be writing... My Bad


    • #32


      • #33
        Shout out to Maarten van der Bijl for an excellent submission that will definetly be in the next update! Great work!


        • #34
          Nice job, Maarten van der Bijl!


          • #35
            Hey now don't go about revealing my true name just like that, privacy issues and all!
            Oh.. Damn.

            Anyway, happy to hear you liked it. I did have a lot of fun writing it!


            • #36
              For those that have been around a while and haven't noticed the additions yet, here's a spoiler as where to look for non quest conversations

              The guard outside the Exigo Trade house.
              The juggler in the entertainment district
              The coachman and his niece in the trade district.
              The guard at the entrance to Sestra.
              The chick near the docks at Arquhor.

              I'd recommend to everyone to check them out... maybe they will inspire you to create some of your own (I'm really hoping). Don't be shy.
              Don't be afraid your creative spark isn't good enough. It is. We're not talking rocket science. We're talking about expressing yourself. Its something everyone can do.

              Have a PC from another server or from PNP? Why not find a NPC in game and have the NPC assume that person's identity?


              • #37
                After racing through my own mod, I think I still have a little gas left for this, time to go scrounging around Sundren to find a commoner itching to say something.


                • #38
                  Question, can we add alignment shifts in the conversations depending on what route players take...good/evil, and nothing major i'm talking about +1/-1? Little but enough incentive to make people want to actively seek out these NPC's.


                  • #39
                    I think if you were going to add alignment shifts for conversations, you would probably need to make it so that it only occurs like once, or once per server reset. Otherwise people might just spam them for alignment shifts lol. I don't know why they would, but for some reason I can see people doing that lol. This is just my opinion though.
                    Rhime - or is he?


                    • #40
                      I already have premade scripts in place for Sundren to make dialog persistent. It's not an issue for the NPCs to track what you've told them already. Anyone remember the Shady Dealer?
                      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                      George Carlin


                      • #41
                        You can do whatever you'd like with a conversation, though in the end, I reserve the right to modify it as befits Sundren. Normally, I don't change much, but I won't give you any guarantees about actions.


                        • #42
                          Yeah, I went to the shady dealer once and messed up lol. I didn't know if you used that for many conversations though, because most of the NPC's I've talked to have the same responses over and over again, and don't seem to remember anything. I was just throwing it out there.
                          Rhime - or is he?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by sharringtonm View Post
                            You can do whatever you'd like with a conversation, though in the end, I reserve the right to modify it as befits Sundren. Normally, I don't change much, but I won't give you any guarantees about actions.
                            Completely understandable...and sent.


                            • #44
                              Props out to Eric Maxim, Terry Bonds, and Mark Poole for contributing to the server with conversations. Excellent work one and all.

                              So far without exception every single submission has made it into the module, so you can assume, if you make it, I'll put it in. (Still reserves the right to alter them as needed and sees fit based on my own ego.)


                              • #45
                                *jumps for joy* Going to have fun trying to find mine out of the mix.

