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NWN 2 Lag.

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  • NWN 2 Lag.

    I don't know if its just me or everyone..

    But every time i log on to your server.. I LAG LAG LAG..

    I signed up to be apart of the greatness that is sundren!

    But the server lag is hardcore, and i can't get much done under such frustrating circumstances.

    Its definitely not my system, I've got Premo hardware.

    I live in Michigan, High speed internet.

    It breaks my heart.. Pretty much EVERY NWN 2 server i go to that has people in it.. it's a Fu<king lag fest.

    It definitely wasn't like that when i ran my PVP Mod in NWN.

  • #2
    I also live in Michigan, am running a system that runs NWN2 in it's sleep, and have high speed internet. Since the situation is similar I have to ask what you are doing in game. If you read the notice that pops up every time you log in (and this is probably the most common case a lag like symptoms you might experience) are you moving with the WASD keys? because if you try to move with those sometimes you'll get a rubber banding effect which is similar to thinking there is server lag, but if you would move with the left mouse click like it suggests there would never really be a rubber banding effect. Also if the server crashes you can still move with WASD but once again it rubber bands back to your spot when it crashed, a little tip is, if you can't move with left click, the server has probably crashed. Now I normally get about a 68 ping between me and the server which is with Saulus in (Ontario I believe) so I have to believe if your system is good, and your internet is good, then you are doing something wrong while playing. If neither of those are things that you have done in game, then it could be something else.
    Rhime - or is he?


    • #3
      The server is blazing fast, and my internet is blazing fast. If you have lag, it's either related to your system configuration, your ISP, or a combination of both.

      Also if you're using WASD, then that's a huge no-no.
      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

      George Carlin

