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Game Crashes

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  • Game Crashes

    I posted on the help page, but figured I would come on here and see if there were other answers. So far I made 3 toons.
    My first guy I made did the exploring in town, then went to the trading post. After which I decided to check out the crossroads to see what that was and the game crashed.
    I made another toon, but kind of got mixed up with the restricted list, did not read it carefully enough. I thought the "Closed" meant you had to apply to get. (oops)
    So, I re-made him as a human and went back to the trading post in hopes to pick up where I left off and went into the Crossroads again by accident instead of the world map and again the game crashed.
    So, I made yet another guy and paid better attention to where I was going. I was trying to go to he Shar Hills to see what the one vendor was talking about with the Goblins. The camp area was fine, but as soon as I went into the Hills it crashed.

    I tried re-loading all 3 toons back up and it would start, but all 3 would crash (did not even finish loading the area).
    Only thing that I can think of was during the patch process I lost connection a few times, then I would re-connect and clicked "retry". I am thinking that maybe the updater skipped in completeion of those areas? Is there a way to manually download them (or a place to be more accurate)? If I delete them from the folder, will it try and re-download them or just make a mess (as in does the updater scan all files to ensure they are correct)?

    I did a search and did not find much in the way of answers, so any help would be appreciated, would really like to be able to play!!
    Also, if there is not a way to update the files (if that what the problem is), are the DM's able to "Relocate" my guys to a useable area (not sure of the game mechanics as a DM, such as moving a "Stuck" toon)?
    Anyway, thanks in advance for the help!

    PS: Files in question are:
    {01} sharahan_hills.trx - 15.8 mb
    {09} crossroads.trx - 10.9 mb

  • #2
    Try update the auto-patcher again. It may load the files that you are missing.
    Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


    • #3
      Delete your sundren.ver and .state files
      Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


      • #4
        Deleting those files I think did the trick, I also deleted the areas I was having issues with jsut in case, but I restored them since they would take a while (that and there seems to be several other files on the list now as well). Will try that and see if that helps. Thanks much!


        • #5
          No problem.
          Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer

