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So, I got a question...or maybe more?

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  • So, I got a question...or maybe more?

    This of course concerns the whole idea of evil. I have grown a sudden intrest in evil characters, I havent played one before because most of the DnD Campains out there were meant for the "sweeter and kinder" type of hero....No real room for that brooding, twisted plotter to go about his thing. No room for the tyranical cleric of Bane(I'm very interested in playing this one right now, just cant see how I can make it fit into the world of Sundren, considering that the clerics of Bane working with some other creatures will most likely try to kill me one sight. )

    Currently, I have began developing a chaotic evil, cocky, scheming, plotting, power hungry necromancer. It's driving me crazy right about now. I cant rightly hang out with the "good guys" Doing "good guy adventures" now can I? That would be beyond ooc!

    I need to figure out how I can get this whole evil character concept to work, I'd just llike to say.....for the time being there just isnt enough evil going around for my lil lvl3 necromancer to build off of......I'm probably missing something........

    Can anyone give me some answers?
    Boo! Oh..you saw me..oh well...

  • #2
    Evil does have it tough in this sense, yeah.

    The only thing I can think to say right now, is that if you are a dark, brooding, plotting evil mastermind, wouldn't the most brilliant thing of all be to convince everyone that you're a goodie goodie? Make friends with the Paladins, and send them to their deaths at a later time, when the damsel in distress needs them most. How diabolical of you.
    Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

    Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


    • #3
      You may not see the evil, but it is there. There are plenty of evil characters around, but most of them aren't obvious about it. Subtle evil always seems to work the best when most other people are good, so that's what people here tend to be: subtle. Parading around your evilness will only get you killed quicker, especially when there are so many higher level goodies that have been around for a while. I'm not saying it is a bad idea to make an evil character though. Actually, evil makes conflict, which is what makes a good story.

      So in conclusion, make an evil character. Just don't be obviously evil. Make most people think you are nuetral (or good if you are one hell of a bluffer) and scheme your evil plans to your heart's desire.
      Your friendly neighborhood drunk


      • #4
        Even obvious evil can win, now that I think of it, if they're smart about it. A smart but blatantly evil character can defeat good on technicalities. You could have your character be a total violent badass, but when put on trial, he knows how to represent himself, spin the story, and find a loophole in the system. It happens in real life all the time.

        Justify your actions in ways that leave the good guys thinking "Oooooh, I wish I could kill him but technically he didn't break the law! He'll slip up one of these days!"

        Its rewarding.
        Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

        Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


        • #5
          True, Kangleton. But you've got to be very smart to pull that off.
          Your friendly neighborhood drunk


          • #6
            Well he is a necromancer so that calls for some pretty high int scores (I know what you meant by smart though).

            I would say if or when I play an evil character, during the early levels he will be more of a neutral evil, having a certain level of disregard for others, but not openly hostile about stuff. He will realize that until he gains enough power and a reliable army of minions it is not in his best interests to parade around claiming he is a vampire or something in front of the undead hunter paladin of tyr sitting at the campfire. When they get to be a high enough level though, you can start putting the real plots in to action. It does take more work than the goodie goodies but in some cases may reap a better reward for you because you'll be able to control those plots yourself, your the one everyone is after, make them play by your rules .
            Rhime - or is he?


            • #7
              Thank you for everyone's imput. How about factions? I know a dm has to assign you to a faction but only if you request it. I'm thinking the necromancers in the necropolis would be a great place for my young necromancer. However, I am unawares if it is a joinable faction or not. I would be quite pleased if it were......perhaps maybe the developers could turn it into a haven of evil? Maybe, I'm not going to puah that. However, all these evil factions without PC members is rather sad. Or a place for Evil PCs to hang out at other than the TradingPost.
              Boo! Oh..you saw me..oh well...


              • #8
                I think it all depends on how you approach evil as to how difficult it is. As it is, I find the Sundren environment is really stacked against more obvious evil characters. Banites can get executed and permakilled and I imagine undead raisers would get the same treatment.

                If you want to be obvious, twisted, and dangerous, your character is definitely going to have some trouble. Even if not though, you will still run into some trouble just for being evil.

                I wouldn't depend on surviving through "technicalities" though. I haven't gotten any real experience here with how the DMs approach that, but on other servers where I've tried obvious evil yet technically untouchable, it really ended worse for my characters than it should have. And I would say the reason for that is because there are no technicalities, in actuality. The laws are made up on the fly, largely, which means its ultimately up to DM discretion.


                • #9
                  I hope no one minds if I add a question to this thread, since no one's added anything for a day...are there still plans to at some point add quests to Sundren that would allow characters to access Epic levels? - or has that gone out the window?
                  Sammael Redstone - Country-raised sorceror, knows his drink


                  • #10
                    Epic levels won't be easy to get any time soon. The current level cap is level 15. The only way to get past that cap right now is by reward xp from a DM. There will be quests added at some point that will give xp as well. All this might be able to get you to level 20, but it will take a while. I am not sure whether Saulus will allow anyone to go past level 20 though.
                    Your friendly neighborhood drunk


                    • #11
                      The quest sytems should be coming in soon hopefully.
                      Originally posted by Lollercide
                      Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.

