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Having an issue here

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  • Having an issue here

    Hello, i am new to this PW. After downloading all the files for 4 hours this afternoon i finally joined the server. I IC asked some ppl where i should go as i am new to these lands and they told me to go to the mountains where i was promptly killed. After death i ended up in the forest of eternal night with some afk'er for 40 minutes talking to essence of the night. and i am unable to do anything or go anywhere or leave this fugue area. some help and advice would be much appreciated thankyou in advance

  • #2
    I have to think that if they told you to go somewhere for new people they meant the hills, as in the Shaharan hills (spelling?). Though I do not know about your FEN issue, I would suggest talking to a DM in game, via the DM channel (select the D button on the chat window) and they can probably help you.
    Rhime - or is he?


    • #3
      Originally posted by dillroot
      Hello, i am new to this PW. After downloading all the files for 4 hours this afternoon i finally joined the server. I IC asked some ppl where i should go as i am new to these lands and they told me to go to the mountains where i was promptly killed. After death i ended up in the forest of eternal night with some afk'er for 40 minutes talking to essence of the night. and i am unable to do anything or go anywhere or leave this fugue area. some help and advice would be much appreciated thankyou in advance

      If you got told to go to the mountains then some prick played a cruel joke on you. As for the Essence of night... it should only be about 5 mins of waiting before you can focus on your body until you respawn so as said by the other poster you might need to ask for help on the DM channel.


      • #4
        Thanks for the response. Now it was definately 'go to the mountains as i was in the hills at the time unbeknownst to me that was the best area for me. And no someone other poor soul died also and he said 'oh is this xxxx guy still here?' you see the afk'er was paused on a menu option and no one else could talk to the spirit. Anyways i logged off for a bit and came back and he was gone. Ill try again later. Thanks for the timely response guys.


        • #5
          How many resurrection signuses did you use? They should be items in your inventory that look like orange gems. You should start off with three - if you died 3+ times and used all your signuses, you won't be able to respawn without the help of another player.

          I've been very wrong today, so probably see Kangleton's post below =)
          Last edited by wangxiuming; 02-24-2008, 08:45 PM.


          • #6
            I think new players don't get signuses anymore, since they are allowed to respawn by the Essence of Night. I'm almost positive that Saulus said signuses were mainly for higher levels, who could only be brought back by that and raises. He went on to say new characters wouldn't get the initial three. I think. I might be wrong.

            In regards to what you were told to do, in going to the mountains, I think that was an absolutely hilarious prank, and I could imagine myself laughing along with those who directed you to do it. However, I admit I am an asshole at times, and that would have been one such applicable example... that was a terrible jerk thing to do, on their part. Hopefully you don't take them to be a representation of the entire playerbase, as I'm quite certain that they are not. Me and them are the only bad people. Play with everyone else instead. They're all good people.
            Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

            Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


            • #7
              Yes, this is true, signuses are no longer given to new players, I asked a DM about this when I made my new character, and he confirmed it, I thought it was just a glitch at the time.
              Rhime - or is he?


              • #8
                Yes, but when you find one on a boss, they are now lootable!
                Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows

