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What happened to my character?

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  • What happened to my character?

    So this is my first (of probably many) question, I'm new to the server and just made my character about two or three days ago. I've logged into my character twice, now he seems to be missing. I have noticed that some of the motb races are missing to from the creation screens. Would the missing races be tied to the same problem as my missing character? I just made a human paladin, nothing crazy.

    Should I try deleting the sundren files and reinstalling them?

  • #2
    If you check some of the recent posts here, you will notice there was a major problem during a recent maintenance. The vault got screwed up, and all characters were wiped back to last month. As for your problem with the races, that's not happening to everyone else. That is completely unrelated.
    Your friendly neighborhood drunk


    • #3
      ah, that would explain it. Not a big deal for me since I've done almost nothing but walk around so far, so not a big hit at all.

      As for the disappearing races, I was right I did need to clean out my folders again, problem solved

