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I wanna be Mad

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  • I wanna be Mad

    Some may know my character Z'huul the Mad. I wanted to say that I named him this hoping his behavior would live up to that title. So, have I been mad enough? Do your characters call Z'huul mad (or at least crazy, disturbed or other such words) when he's not around? Give me some feedback, so I know if I need to make him odder.


  • #2
    He may be disturbed or crazy, but he has nothing on Puck. Yeah I know, its different. I think you do a good job living up to his name. Z'huul is more the genius kind of insane, while Puck is well... you know.
    Your friendly neighborhood drunk


    • #3
      I've actually been spending time thinking about that, whenever I see Z'huul. He is unusual, strange, unorthodox, sometimes a little disturbing... but for some reason, one that I can't really determine, "Mad" doesn't quite seem the right word.

      Actually, upon thinking about it further, Z'huul sounds like a Psychopath. And I refer to the actual definition when I say that, though I don't know enough about him, or the condition, to be certain.

      A characteristic though, of a Psychopath, is that it is difficult to often tell if they are crazy at all; there is always something "off" abotu them, though. That is always how I saw Z'huul.
      Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

      Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


      • #4
        Only conversation I have had with him has been in depth and well constructed, so to be honest I don't see him as mad and crazy.
        Originally posted by Lollercide
        Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
          A characteristic though, of a Psychopath, is that it is difficult to often tell if they are crazy at all; there is always something "off" abotu them, though. That is always how I saw Z'huul.
          Ahh... the old everything seems fine and then BAM! four dead bodies in the basement.

          To tell you the truth Z'huul doesn't really seem 'mad' to me, although I haven't RP'd too much with him, but when I have he seemed pretty ok. I know he's some kind of wizard or something but I never see him in a robe, maybe he's a sorceror I don't know, not that all spellcasters have to wear robes, he just always looks different more like a bard or something. Then last night during the conversation in the crossroads he seemed pretty logical and understanding to me, and when I think of someone who's 'mad' and a spell caster I picture them cooking up potions and spells in some dank decrepit basement before deciding to summon a demon or opening some kind of extraplanar gate and letting stuff over run the city. Then turning around and reading a book or something. IMO he doesn't seem too mad, but that's me.

          Now Karthus with that stone... he was mad...
          Rhime - or is he?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
            Actually, upon thinking about it further, Z'huul sounds like a Psychopath. And I refer to the actual definition when I say that, though I don't know enough about him, or the condition, to be certain.

            A characteristic though, of a Psychopath, is that it is difficult to often tell if they are crazy at all; there is always something "off" abotu them, though. That is always how I saw Z'huul.
            Eh. If you are going by the actual definition, Z'huul seems the furthest thing from it.

            If I were to assign a personality disorder to Z'huul, it would likely be schizoid.


            • #7
              Drink copious amounts of alcohol and take four codein. Then log in.
              That ought to do it.

              Disclaimer: I am not actually endorsing this!
              ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

              ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain

