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Raksha: Your DM for Cool Things You Want To Do

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  • Raksha: Your DM for Cool Things You Want To Do

    So, one of your new DMs is actually not a new one -- I'll be getting back on the client to torment all of you poor folks sitting around the campfires into actually doing productive things. Mwahahaha.

    One of the things that I liked best as a player was having a neat idea and getting a DM to help me work it out. Characters that go out and actively do things are a lot of fun; there's a lot to be said for proactive change in the world, rather than passive waiting for events to come and whack you on the head.

    If you have a neat idea for something you want to do, PM me or nudge me on the client ( using /d, remember, tells r teh bad). It's entirely possible that I won't have time, or will be doing something else, but it's also possible that I can help out with what you want to do. Capture an enemy and interrogate him? Find a water supply and poison it? Nick a shiny sword from a noble who obviously doesn't deserve it?

    Remember, the amount of actual change you can perpetrate may be limited (no blowing up Sundren City, kthnx) and that your actions can and will have genuine consequences. Which, thanks to death being significant, may really hurt. You've been duly warned. ^_^
    Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

    Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

    On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
    Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul

  • #2
    Yay for more DM's!!
    Now poor old Dune can take a little breather
    Jasareth Kalisurr *stares at you blankly and slowly raises a brow*


    • #3
      Hey, welcome back!

      That's pretty exciting. *he thinks of things he could do*
      ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

      ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


      • #4

        my first best news of this year, lol

        I'll poke you several times for sure!!
        "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


        • #5

          now if i could just find time to play ...


          • #6
            Welcome back........

            I will probably be nudging you to get Tellesian out of FEN, LOL.


            • #7
              Originally posted by R3VOLV360 View Post
              Now poor old Dune can take a little breather
              Originally posted by Lollercide
              Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Raksha
                I'll be getting back on the client to torment all of you poor folks sitting around the campfires into actually doing productive things.
                My god! it's not safe to Rp anymore!
                Hehehe just kidding.


                • #9
                  You can also PM myself in case if you want to avoid hours of torment and despair at the hands of Raksha, of course.

                  "Those who hold wisdom have the power to change the world."

                  MSN: finalabsolution@hotmail.com

                  Don't be afraid to contact me regarding questions, suggestions, character biography help, or plot development for your characters or the server. Cheers!

