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Regarding the Stormlord class

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  • Regarding the Stormlord class

    Hello, I was wondering after viewing the restricted race/class thread: http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=4912
    how does one attain the rank of stormlord? The info says it is for certain IC actions, but from what I've read so for and have explored on the server I haven't seen a temple of Talos.

    Just wondering if this is a class that will need to be approved via the application form or if there is just something I'm missing.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Then that probably means there is no Temple of Talos. Perhaps you can find another way to earn the favor of Talos. You don't really need a temple for that...


    • #3
      According to the FR deity wikki, alignment would be either CE, CN or NE . So outside of the required feat selections for nwn2, and having your chosen deity of Talos would there be anything else? I could come up with a nice character background for him though.

      I guess my question is if the character meets these requirements could he take stormlord as a class?


      • #4
        You can be ellgible all you want. The God has to like you at all, first. Which means a DM approved event.
        Jaus Rein:"Alvays say eet ees better tau be unnoticed zen tau be a 'eero."
        Reth'dor Fre': "When is it my turn to truely smile?"


        • #5
          Ok. thx


          • #6
            tbh, if stormlord (user) hasn't become a stormlord (class) yet, I doubt it's humanely possible to become a stormlord within 15 levels.
            Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


            • #7
              I don't see why it has to be Talos. Lightning is lightning; doesn't have to be smite-happy Talos lightning. In the class description given in NWN2, it doesn't mentioned Talos, I'm fairly certain; maybe D&D does, but this isn't really D&D. Can't someone just RP it as a Druid who has intensly focussed on a single element?

              Lightning can be for the Lawful Good too!
              Pyras: Red Wizard of Thay, High Arcanist of Illusion, Master of the Enclave's Knight Commander.

              Currently taking apprentices, and conducting research.


              • #8
                I originally wanted my druid to be a stormlord, and that's what I didn't like, was the whole you have to be evil to be a stormlord. I wanted to RP a druid who didn't use any offensive spells that didn't involve lightning (i.e. drown, hypothermia, earthquake etc.), so he would have an attunement or focus for lightning, but he is neutral good.
                Rhime - or is he?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kangleton View Post
                  I don't see why it has to be Talos. Lightning is lightning; doesn't have to be smite-happy Talos lightning. In the class description given in NWN2, it doesn't mentioned Talos, I'm fairly certain; maybe D&D does, but this isn't really D&D. Can't someone just RP it as a Druid who has intensly focussed on a single element?

                  Lightning can be for the Lawful Good too!
                  Read here it should clear it up:

                  Currently playing:

                  Bree Merrymar: Paladin of the Wayward Wardens


                  • #10
                    The devs have been quite adamant about the stormlord-talos thing, I doubt you'll persuade them.
                    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                    • #11
                      In Sundren's little version of FR, Stormlords worship Talos. In others maybe they don't. That's just how it is folks.
                      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                      George Carlin

