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  • Death

    hey, sorry guys but the death system is way too harsh. i mean i went to necropolis not knowing what was there, i thought it was a town or something, i ran up the path, got ambushed by zombies, ran into the transition on full health then in the load screen for the next module i died and now ive lost 1 out of 3sigils that im ever going to have because things can kill you when you are in a load screen aparentley. I play as Lina Fellfine and would like to have that sigil replaced by a DM because i dont rekon you should be able to die in a load screen. it will be appretiated and hopefully soon the sundren DM's will change the death system so its not a permanent punishment because that will make people leave the server, i know with this system it makes people more careful and what not but it doesnt work in a game, gay things happen with video games its not the same as the D&D board game. ive enjoyed Sundren and i like my character but the DM's Really really really need to change the death system. thanks

  • #2
    Wall of text is quite harsh, too.
    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


    • #3
      Originally posted by rustediron View Post
      Wall of text is quite harsh, too.
      How old are you? What does it matter how his post looks? He is making a point and you comment on something completely inconsequential.


      • #4
        lol, all my posts are inconsequential
        And I'm still a child, so I'm allowed to be immature

        EDIT: Besides, death has been gone over so many times already, any response that wouldn't be repeating what someone has said already has to be inconsequential.
        Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


        • #5
          What does that have to do with his age? Really?

          Adults can certainly be immature too. And, meh, just because you're a kid doesn't mean you have to be immature.

          As for the Signuses, maybe you should check in search before you post the like, fifth topic about this -.-.

          It will be changed, as Saulus has said before.


          • #6
            Easy way to fix, make a better death system! which doesnt give you a permanent punishment, i know the Dms want you to be scared of dying but all thats gunna do is force people to group up to fight little things then to return and do nothing, you cant do anything alone, you cant roleplay your character as you want. i know a few people at my college who have it and didnt join this server because the death system was too harsh. everybody wants to change it so why not? what if you get really attaached to that character you level it up then you die
            then your gone forever unless you ressurect and that means paying out the arse and if yoiu dont have the money then what happens? no character no fun. this death system makes you not want to do anything but sit next to a campfire because going outside is too scary, so you end u staying in a safe place. and if you're doign that then you mayaswell play a different server or game.


            • #7
              So they are changing it then?

              and hopefull a dm will be able to give me a sigil back because of the death while i was in the loadscreen

              and do younknow what they are changing to?


              • #8
                Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
                What does that have to do with his age? Really?
                you're right that was out of line on my part,.


                • #9
                  Don't worry
                  No offence taken.

                  And I apologise to Dan too, I just find things hard to read without paragraphs.

                  Also, they are going to introduce signi into the loot tables, make diamonds more readily available, allow people under level 9 near invulnerbility, etc. Look around, and you'll find the details.
                  Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                  • #10
                    "Nobody likes it."

                    That, is your opinion. Guess what, some people do. And Sundrens main goal isnt to get "LOL MOST PLAYERS IN NWN2". Its to create a good server that people can enjoy, and its their server, they can do what they want. That doesn't mean that they won't listen to the players, but they have final say, and they're not removing Signuses. They'll simply make signuses unnecessary until your level 8+.


                    • #11
                      Come on, the name 'Necropolis' didn't give you a clue what lay ahead?

                      Anyway that aside, I like the death system, it puts the fear back into dying. Now I don't really want to tell other people how to play but..charging around recklessly if fine if you accept the consequences, you charged into area you knew nothing about and died. Accept that you lost a sigil for that. Perhaps you will be more careful in future. If that's true then the death system has done its job.
                      Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dan170689 View Post
                        i know the Dms want you to be scared of dying but all thats gunna do is force people to group up to fight little things then to return and do nothing, you cant do anything alone, you cant roleplay your character as you want.
                        Your right, the devs do not want people to be able to solo. They want you to group up and RP. It seems the death system is working spot on.




                        • #13
                          Originally posted by The OP
                          i ran up the path, got ambushed by zombies, ran into the transition on full health then in the load screen for the next module i died and now ive lost 1 out of 3sigils that im ever going to have because things can kill you when you are in a load screen aparentley.
                          The first bolded piece of text was your first mistake; if you don't run up creepy, dark, unfamiliar pathways, you won't run into zombie ambushes.

                          The second bolded piece of text...well...

                          a) Signuses(Signi?) will be added to the loot table and will additionally be much less necessary for low level PC's, such as yourself. If you take the time to read the bajillion other threads on this same topic, you'll see that.

                          b) You didn't die in a load screen; you were already dead. When you're choosing a destination to travel to, your avatar still exists in the game world and can be attacked by the things that were chasing you.

                          Originally posted by Leevoth
                          What does it matter how his post looks?
                          Poor formatting of a body of text makes it discouraging and more difficult to read, meaning the text contained therein has a higher chance of being misread or ignored. Using paragraphs to separate long thoughts and different ideas greatly aids those who read the text.
                          Mirumoto Akagi: What is dance?
                          Dalon Arogard: It's this. *busts a move*
                          Llew Hy: A strange compulsion...
                          Mirumoto Akagi: I suppose you can dance if you like, but you're leaving our friends behind, and they're not dancing.
                          Dalon Arogard: Then they're no friends of mine.


                          • #14
                            First of all this belongs in suggestions, and this topic has been thoroughly discussed, a forum search will reveal details.
                            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                            George Carlin


                            • #15
                              The transition you went through was probably the one to the Forest of Eternal night anyway - also, sounded like a bit of a rant and rave over the death system like the other threads. Be lucky you have you two signus still.
                              Originally posted by Lollercide
                              Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.

