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Need technical help

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  • Need technical help

    Greetings, while trying to get the files for Sundren so I can try out the server, I rearranged some of my NWN 2 files and now when I fire up the game and create a character, the character background traits (farmer, wild child, devout, etc.) aren't showing up. I had to rearrange the files because when I right click on my character an option from another server I used to play on kept appearing and I needed to get rid of it. Well I finally got rid of it, but now I can't choose any character background traits. Anyone know which file(s) are involved to make that list properly appear when creating your character? Any help would be much appreciated.
    "King, prince, emperor, vagabond...what difference does it make? The worth of a man is not determined by the many titles that adorn his name, but by the depth of his heart and the truth of his actions."
    ~Valen Rosengard, Warpriest of Helm

  • #2
    Delete anything in your override folder, or any other UI files you know of, barring that the only other option is reinstall.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      That worked, thanks Saulus!
      "King, prince, emperor, vagabond...what difference does it make? The worth of a man is not determined by the many titles that adorn his name, but by the depth of his heart and the truth of his actions."
      ~Valen Rosengard, Warpriest of Helm

