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Character Development - Volunteering

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  • Character Development - Volunteering

    I don't know about you but sometimes I get bored of playing my main character all the time - but I don't really want to start a bunch of alts either. What I kind of am interested in is helping other people's stories and character development along, so I'm posting here to offer.

    If your character is looking to do some alignment shifting, killing, talking, interacting, whatever - basically RPing, but DMs are too busy or you can't find the right player character to interact with, I was thinking you could post here and I or anybody else who's interested could take up the challenge of playing something new and helping your progression along.

    For example, if you want your character to take a fall to the dark side, but don't want to step on any OOC toes in the process, you could message me or post here, and voila! I'll create a new character to your specifications and you can hack away to your evil heart's desire. Or if you want to interact with a family member, but don't want to go the crazy route of Alyrian (who had his mother's soul implanted in his body), post here and somebody might just create that sister, brother, father ...

    If this sounds crazy, it's because I'm dead tired. But I think if we can get more players in on this, it will really help set up a mutual sense of backscratching and improve the Sundren experience that much more.

    That said, my actual available hours are limited to PST nights and weekends. Sigh.

  • #2
    well i don't know, if you want to have a shift in alignment i think it should be happening as much in character as possible, not something that is made up beforehand ooc.


    • #3
      Like I said, sometimes you want to push your character in a certain direction, but for whatever reason it's not happening during the game.

      I actually plan a lot of the shifts that have happened to my main character - I had a very specific vision of where I wanted to go with Alyrian, and luckily I happened to meet a great group of characters who helped to facilitate those shifts. But some people might not be so lucky.

      Also keep in mind that your actual alignment bar wouldn't shift without a DM's help. I'm just there for you to RP the shift.

      I also really hope that some other players will be interested in helping out the Sundren community like this too.

      There's really so much you can do with this: You want to show your character standing up to a bully? I'll be the bully. You want to play a serial killer? I'll play your victims, and even the detective who tries to stop you to boot (of course you'll get to pick who wins :P ).
      Last edited by wangxiuming; 01-18-2008, 12:05 PM.


      • #4
        I actually need help with Lane's sorty, not with his alignment, if you would like to help I would be glad to have your help
        "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."


        • #5
          Please PM me the details!


          • #6
            I, too, volunteer myself for this awesome project. If you wish for me to help with your story-poop just send me a PM with details and time and such and I will do the best I can!
            ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

            ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

            ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by wangxiuming View Post
              (of course you'll get to pick who wins :P )
              Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


              • #8
                Originally posted by wangxiuming View Post
                There's really so much you can do with this: You want to show your character standing up to a bully? I'll be the bully. You want to play a serial killer? I'll play your victims, and even the detective who tries to stop you to boot (of course you'll get to pick who wins :P ).
                So if you wanted to play a serial killer with a detective who tries to stop him, I could play the detective. And you would be able to decide who would win in the end - your character, or the detective.

                A big thanks to nutranurse for volunteering as well!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wangxiuming View Post
                  And you would be able to decide who would win in the end - your character, or the detective.
                  But... that's cheating!
                  Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rustediron View Post
                    But... that's cheating!
                    Yes, it is. I for one would advocate that it be left up to RP....
                    ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

                    ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

                    ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


                    • #11
                      That's also a valid choice! If you want to leave it to the RP that's fine as well.

                      However, if you want a little more control over your character's progression, I don't really see it as cheating since the whole point of this was to help develop YOUR characters - in essence, the characters that I play will be an extension of YOUR storyline that you had planned for yourself. That doesn't preclude leaving the outcomes of the interactions up to RP.

                      That said, everything has its limits - I won't agree to play along with stories that are completely crazy and unrealistic. But for small interactions: a chat between pupil and his mentor, a killer and his victim, I think a general outline of what is going to happen helps a lot - especially since I probably won't have any familiarity with your characters. Nutranurse is free to set his/her own rules regarding this, as well as anybody else who wants to help out.

                      Basically I'm offering to be the puppet to your puppetmaster, with just a few caveats.


                      • #12
                        I will help other characters get some lovin' with my character.

                        Just be prepared for a surprise though. Its good lovin though *nods sagely*
                        Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

                        Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


                        • #13
                          Your character is a hermaphrodite, Soul....
                          ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

                          ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

                          ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nutranurse View Post
                            Your character is a hermaphrodite, Soul....

                            They need lovin too..
                            Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

                            Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


                            • #15
                              Ok guys, I'll need a harem of hot girlies!

