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Alts and Main

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  • Alts and Main

    So I have three characters I playl Taallic Vaarcs, Immy Tallica, and Scavar.

    Taal is my main, and the guy who is the most thought out, but anyways getting side tracked. I'm curious to know how people interact between their alts, or if they do at all.

    For example I will explain my three characters: Taallic Vaarcs is a member of the Vaarcs family. When he was little Immy and her brother showed up with no last name, they took Taallic's name and made Tallica for their last name. When Taallic left home, he met up with Scavar and they travelled together for awhile.

    And eventually they all end up in Sundren for different reasons.

    I also have a second question. How do you generally feel about playing multiple characters, or about other people that do? I'm use to playing one character myself...and will likely revert to that at some point. I feel it was foolhardy for me to take up so many persons, who are all different personality wise, and try to play them all around the sametime.
    Names Taallic.

    Only time can save the world now.
    Immortality is your last hope.
    For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.

  • #2
    I stricly do not make connected characters myself. One character might of heard of the other in passing, but no relationships. Just how I play it.

    As for Alts and Mains, I find that having at least one Alt is healthy. Some times playing your main just gets boring or need a break, good to have an alt to switch too. I learned this leason hard when on a different server my char was imprisoned for 3 weeks RL.

    Just don't make more than you have play time for. Remember that other players characters have relationships with yours and it's not fair for them to befriend a character that is never around.


    • #3
      I've made a few alts but almost never played them. I prefer to play a singular character that is mostly based off of my own persona. Other concepts I have I might be think are interesting conceptually, but I often find boring to actually play and RP.

      As far as interacting goes, generally I prefer not to, unless there is a good, story-specific reason that the characters would work best knowing each other.
      -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


      • #4
        Andrea is my alt....

        Well, not anymore. She got promoted to main.

        I really like to have more than one char, because sometimes I get bored or I am just in a strange mood....

        Relations between chars should have a background somehow.
        When I played on Sundren the first time I had envisioned two chars,
        one good/neutral char and one evil send to kill the first one.
        Would have been some kind of neverending chase.
        Andrea Moonshadow - elven druid "'ellooo!"

        Gertie - hin grimwarden "Death is a gate, not an end."

        Mija - wandering musician (M.I.A.)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Brandy02 View Post
          Relations between chars should have a background somehow.
          When I played on Sundren the first time I had envisioned two chars,
          one good/neutral char and one evil send to kill the first one.
          Would have been some kind of neverending chase.
          hehe that is such a cool idea


          • #6
            You mean Andrea wasn't always your main? I don't think I've ever seen Mija :P

            That is a neat idea...
            Hmm I wonder which one of my Alts I should kill off...or if I should change someone, or kill both off and make a completely different alt....
            Names Taallic.

            Only time can save the world now.
            Immortality is your last hope.
            For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


            • #7
              Back on Neverwinter Nights, I used to play a shifter as my main and a few alts that were different personalities.

              Oh how I miss shifting.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rhifox View Post
                I've made a few alts but almost never played them. I prefer to play a singular character that is mostly based off of my own persona.
                You heard her! She's a jerk in RL

                Just kidding.

                Best not to make alts and mains have relationships I say.


                • #9
                  I've never had the desire to play another character just yet. I do have an alt made, but he's still on the ship. I really prefer to focus my energies on the ins and outs of a single character. For me personally, its really the best way for me to get to know who he is, because Sigrun is alot different from me.

                  Plus, I also really enjoy the character, so also haven't felt the need to start another yet.
                  ~ Sigrun Hael - Ranger of the Viridale

                  ~ Aoden Haven - Former Swordcaptain


                  • #10
                    I have two Alts, Tim who is my main while fun to play is too restricted by aligenment and his personal code of honour to play every time I log on..

                    To the people he's met and the few who really know what his background is history is know that he was adopted after the Tantars affair and may have kin around.

                    Which is where Tez comes into play. Tez is essentially a carbon copy of Tim but with rougher edges, he's not as restricted as Tim is and so gives me more options when Playing him.
                    "We are what we think.
                    All that we are arises with our thoughts.
                    With our thoughts, we make our world"


                    • #11
                      The first character I started, Gruulkuk, is not very outgoing, uncertain of himself, and very elf-avoidant, 'cause elves are nasty people. He's also trying to reconcile the world he grew up in with what he's read about and with what he's living.

                      The second character, Flargharn, is either completely delusional and obsessed with his status as recruiter/commander of various "expeditionary forces"--or maybe he's amusing himself to see how far he can project that illusion. The only thing I have decided about the gnome is that playing him requires me to drink about three gallons of coffee. I created him on a whim and only bring him out for giggles.

                      Flip is outgoing, easygoing, and playful. He's concerned mostly with making contacts and his sacred duty of getting into and out of intense situations. Like in Repo Man-- except without the cars, drugs, decomposing aliens, or punks.

                      For each character, there's a reason that one of them wouldn't really need to be in contact/concerned with the other two. Compartmentalizing them makes them easier to play. If I couldn't divide them off into separate spheres, I'd have take notes to keep track of who/what each character knows. One of more of them would have to die in that event, as I'd rather play than work.


                      • #12
                        Hmm... with all my characters they're mostly me, but skewed, so that each has a different part of my personality amplified... or so the concept was at first. I now have 5 or 6, maybe 7 xD different chars, and I am thoroughly confused who is who.
                        Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                        • #13
                          I've had so many alts. I play them for 10-30 minutes then log out, never to log back in again... I only have one that i've been on a bit!


                          • #14
                            The sole reason I created my characters was me trying something new. All the "adventurers" on the server don't seem to justify their genocidal actions - so I created a cowardly scholar-priest who's more interested in knowledge than finding treasure and slaying dragons. Thus, if a piece of knowledge can be gained - it's possible for me to actually go out and fight, but my character's build is purposefully rather dreadful at that sort of thing.

                            My Monk is a refreshing change from my cowardly priest in two ways - she's nowhere near as liberal and she's disciplined and fearless (took the Bullheaded trait. ). That, and Monks are just so damn fun to play! Nothing like wearing average clothing and getting challenged by someone and kicking their butt. Or single handedly storming a cavern full of Goblins with your bare hands (I did this once, although I was probably lucky the Goblins rolled fairly bad).

                            The point is, I get bored of one if I play it too long. So I switch fairly frequently between the two - to the point that, if you've befriended one of my characters, you'll likely see me once every other day (at the very least)
                            You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.
                            ~Al Capone

                            Oshala Jr'ein ~the woman of a thousand (continuously recognized) faces.
                            Aljd Gray
                            ~"There are six people in this tavern!" The patrons look at Aljd. "...That's one less than seven."


                            • #15
                              Well I solved my problem, but getting rid of my two other alts...well I still have them but yeah...doubt I'll ever be on them again.

                              And I created a new alt who I like a whole lot more than either of them...
                              Names Taallic.

                              Only time can save the world now.
                              Immortality is your last hope.
                              For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.

