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Announcement of DM events?

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  • Announcement of DM events?

    Seing that you don't get any quest XP with any NPC's as it is (in contrary to other PW's I've tried), is there a way that DM events are announced in advance?
    Due to the world timezones, I have a feeling I will often be playing when the most DM's are not online (of course I could be wrong), and so I guess that people in the more obscure timezones would maybe have a hard time being online when the DM's hold events. Therefore it would be good if at least some of the DM events were announced so you could plan your gaming a little bit after that...
    What say the DM's?
    Vernzell Maergelar - Human Sacred Fist of Lathander
    Jhaevonn Amnexiall - Dwarven Weapon Master

  • #2
    Undoubtedly I will be corrected if wrong but I dont think events run like that.
    I believe they are more ad-hoc.
    Peppington Merrifefferlis - Most learned scholar of the fine exalted institution that is Candlekeep, centre of all learning that is Arcane and magical in nature. Also loves cats.


    • #3
      So are events held on all times of the day (IRL), or are there specific times that are better than others for events to happen (what I'm really asking is the geographic spread of the DM's)?
      Vernzell Maergelar - Human Sacred Fist of Lathander
      Jhaevonn Amnexiall - Dwarven Weapon Master


      • #4
        If a DM is on, something is more than likely happening, or they observing to see where they can get something going. I've seen DMs on at all times.

        About quests, this is something that should be added at some point...I believe it's been brought up before.
        Names Taallic.

        Only time can save the world now.
        Immortality is your last hope.
        For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


        • #5
          The DMs don't run..... "Text Book" style quests. At least not that I have seen. And having a server shout would be very OOC and just lead to a gaggle of PCs trying to join in, making it fun for no one.

          Of course, best ask the DMs.


          • #6
            Events are rarely advertised because of two main reasons:

            1) Events are often built around specific small groups of players, where individual input matters. The larger the group, the less any individual character can make a difference, the more spam fills the chat screen, and so on. Thus DMs flit from group to group, running events depending on what each group is up to.

            2) Masses of players in a single area = CRASHES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN

            Oh, and yes. Shouts lead to meta-gaming. "Well Johnny, Oi don't know whoi I'm here, Oi just suddenly had ta ideas in me head to come to this here spot."

            -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rhifox View Post
              Events are often built around specific small groups of players, where individual input matters. The larger the group, the less any individual character can make a difference, the more spam fills the chat screen, and so on.
              This is especially true. But most events are impromptu and thus aren't announced on the forums before they occur.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Echelon13 View Post
                This is especially true. But most events are impromptu and thus aren't announced on the forums before they occur.

                I make up most my events out of my butt hole

                Also, announcing usually means 20 people show up in a zone. If I got only 8 when I did that it'd be less annoying. With 20 people about all you can do is battle XD Or storytime.


                • #9
                  With 20 people about all you can do is battle XD
                  Make a dragon invade sundren! xD]
                  a small one though, mind you, wouldn't want it staying.
                  Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                  • #10
                    We already have dragons. Fat kid Apophis and his fucked up family.
                    Hlaine Eren Myr - Eternally arguing with his sadistic cat.

                    Patience Allows - Roaming the country-side kickin' jimmys and harassing freaks.


                    • #11
                      Sythmaun will see Apophis dead... or at least without his Lucky Charms!


                      • #12
                        Poor Lexi, still doesn't know if Sythmaun wanted to eat her or mate with her.
                        Keeps looking up at the sky fearfully.

                        Good fun all and all. Thank you.


                        • #13
                          Maybe both or neither.


                          • #14
                            Let us hope that it is neither. Calowyn would rather not fight a dragon, while roaming around with Alexis. However, it was fun. Even though we ran and hid in the sewers.
                            Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                            • #15
                              Having Apophis mating....I'm going to vote for mating. Hope you give a good roll
                              Names Taallic.

                              Only time can save the world now.
                              Immortality is your last hope.
                              For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.

