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Single Player Game

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  • Single Player Game

    So I log in to play lately and see 15-20 people on the server. I'm like great! People to play with. Run Find Other Players, and get this above.

    What The Muck People?

    I play to play with people. Why is everyone off all alone lately? I've honestly seen alot of this. Am I missing something?

  • #2
    I see that a lot myself sometimes, and I wonder the samething. So I go find someone and make it at least a Co-op game.
    Names Taallic.

    Only time can save the world now.
    Immortality is your last hope.
    For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


    • #3
      That powergaming son of a bitch in 'Loading...'


      • #4
        Nice metagaming skillz, even a nice screenshot of it too
        Originally posted by Lollercide
        Not even Ilmater would suffer Dune and Mach's wrath for us.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dune View Post
          Nice metagaming skillz, even a nice screenshot of it too
          I got one leg missin'
          How do I get around?

          One Leg Missin'
          Meet the Feebles


          • #6
            Some people might simply be traveling from place to place. Others might be RPing with DMs who don't show up on the list. Others might be RPing with players who have chosen to take themselves off searchable.
            -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


            • #7
              I think it has to do a lot with the way people are. I know there are many times when I would prefer to wander around on my own, rather than spark up a conversation.

              It's that lone-wolf mentality, that I think is inherint in many video-gamers.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Leevoth View Post
                I think it has to do a lot with the way people are. I know there are many times when I would prefer to wander around on my own, rather than spark up a conversation.
                Originally posted by Rhifox View Post
                Some people might simply be traveling from place to place. Others might be RPing with DMs who don't show up on the list. Others might be RPing with players who have chosen to take themselves off searchable.
                *stutters flabbergasted*
                But, but, all of them?

                I used to think those poeple who ran by alone either in town in full armor weapons free or in the wilds and not stopping or saying anything where extremely rare. Lately, I'm feeling these types of players are the norm.

                I made my comment; and apparently only one other player on this Role Play Persistent World is as suprised as I am.


                • #9
                  It's actually a lot better for the server performance wise when people are spread out like that. The more players in the area, the less stable the engine gets. A lot of the biggest game-affecting bugs severely increase in frequency when more players are in an area.
                  The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                  George Carlin


                  • #10
                    hmm... well I hate it how exigo trading post gets so overcroweded - I liked the times when, if you wanted to go to viridale, you could quite easily meet up with a party at the forest border, same with exigo camp for shaharan and temple of kelemvor for necropolis.

                    Single player, single player and single player is extreme, but few few few few is very good, in my opinion.
                    Val Evra - Wandmaker and Wanderer


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rustediron View Post
                      hmm... well I hate it how exigo trading post gets so overcroweded - I liked the times when, if you wanted to go to viridale, you could quite easily meet up with a party at the forest border, same with exigo camp for shaharan and temple of kelemvor for necropolis.

                      Single player, single player and single player is extreme, but few few few few is very good, in my opinion.
                      I've only seen that sort of single players in each location a couple of times, usually when there weren't many people on.

                      Gotta agree with Rustediron here about the "area X has a commotion" thing; massively overcrowded areas really aren't much good for RP (the number of people found at the exigo post to the exclusion of most other places gets old pretty quick). But there've already been threads about this sort of thing so I'll shut up now
                      I got one leg missin'
                      How do I get around?

                      One Leg Missin'
                      Meet the Feebles


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Saulus View Post
                        It's actually a lot better for the server performance wise when people are spread out like that. The more players in the area, the less stable the engine gets. A lot of the biggest game-affecting bugs severely increase in frequency when more players are in an area.
                        A sorry state of affairs. So you're saying that the server can only ever be truly stable if all us players refrain from interacting with each other?

                        Well, I'm all for a stable server... Time to ban RPing
                        I got one leg missin'
                        How do I get around?

                        One Leg Missin'
                        Meet the Feebles


                        • #13
                          It's still strange, because when I log on once in a while, there's always either a commotion at Jimmy's, at the Trading Post or at the Crossroads. Whereabouts of players greatly change with the time of the day, ongoing DM plots, and server development in general; I don't think you will see that many condensed crowds when factions will be more important and central to the Sundren gameplay.
                          Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
                          Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
                          "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


                          • #14
                            Yeah, agreed with the commotion part. It gets annoying with a lot of people at one place. Before it was just like, 4 people at virdale forest border, 4 at the sharahan hills camp, and so forth. Spread out >>.


                            • #15
                              I do tend to wonder off by myself a bit. However, I have joined a party with you on several occassions. My characters name is Calowyn Galanodel. He will be glad to join Alexis anytime.
                              Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows

