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A day that will forever be....

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  • A day that will forever be....

    ingrained into my mind. I'm not sure how it started, but Taallic's pants kept falling off, and burning up, and eventually all his clothes just jumped in the fire.

    It was the most awesome thing ever, I don't know the DM was that was doing it, but THANK YOU. Seriously it was sweet and the funniest thing I have seen forever.

    And man is Taallic going to remember that for awhile, probably be paranoid about his pants falling off all the time
    Names Taallic.

    Only time can save the world now.
    Immortality is your last hope.
    For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.

  • #2
    Echelon likes to take men's pants off.
    Sunder me? Sunder you!


    • #3
      lol I'll remember that if I ever meet him in person :P
      Names Taallic.

      Only time can save the world now.
      Immortality is your last hope.
      For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


      • #4
        What the Hell? Don't push this shit off onto me.


        • #5
          *chuckles* So it was Id then? Eventually I'll know which god to blame....

          Hopefully I'll have found some flame resistent pants by then.
          Names Taallic.

          Only time can save the world now.
          Immortality is your last hope.
          For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.


          • #6
            No, Id would never do such a thing as this nor teleport a golem Kaldaris into the middle of a romantic interlude....

            No, not him. He doesn't break immerson.

            P.S. Hlaine's pants don't fall, everyone else around him does.
            Hlaine Eren Myr - Eternally arguing with his sadistic cat.

            Patience Allows - Roaming the country-side kickin' jimmys and harassing freaks.


            • #7
              HAhahah! Brenil, you should know only wierd romances are allowed in Sundren. We DMs like to spice things up. Why have a wedding when you can have a sacrifice at the same time and save money on renting the temple out?


              • #8
                I think that's the big reason why most people are getting into relationships lately, actually. Just to see how you sadistic assholes will fuck them over.
                Hlaine Eren Myr - Eternally arguing with his sadistic cat.

                Patience Allows - Roaming the country-side kickin' jimmys and harassing freaks.

