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The Feral Races and Pre-Human Sundren

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  • The Feral Races and Pre-Human Sundren

    Before man could record the flow of time within Sundren, events essential to the formation of the valley occurred, which affect the descendents of Mundus today. It is for this reason that I, Marcus Vae have scaled the entirety of our fine land, in search of knowledge previously lost to our people.

    Through various excavations, interrogations and geographical studies, I have gathered enough information on the pre-occupation period of Sundren?s history to produce a catalogue of events that ensued somewhere between fifty and eighty years prior to the establishment of the capital.

    In the beginning, there were not men, but beasts. The finest evidence I have collected points to the existence of several primordial races: ogres, kobolds, orcs, bugbears, goblins, lizard folk, hobgoblins, trolls and gnolls. Some of these species still reside within the valley today and consequently continue to pester modern society.

    These races, as the ruins of their previous civilizations indicate, did not live peaceably. They were in a constant state of war. Our research has taught us that above all, the orcs, specifically those inhabiting Mossdale Forest have unsurprisingly been the most hostile species throughout Sundren?s history. Traces of debris found near Bloodmaim territory have yielded conclusive evidence of hobgoblin, bugbear and goblin settlements. The colonies uncovered by our excavations appeared utterly destroyed, leading me to believe that these races were hunted to extinction by their neighbors, with obvious exception of the goblins who seem to have fled with some success.

    Comparatively, the combative nature of the Bloodmaim far outweighs anything else we have seen, but the inhabitants of Viridale were not without their own sins during the pre-occupational period. In the deepest caverns of Stonegarb caves, my expedition found kobold hovels that were ransacked, as well as skeletons that could be no younger than two hundred years old. Similarly, we found the remains of several troll dens scattered throughout the forest, all of which showed signs of fire attacks typically employed by the Mossclaw gnolls.

    Interrogations revealed that sometime after the goblins arrived in Viridale, they begged for entry into the Mossclaw alliance. I am certain that this is how they were able to avoid extinction. Similarly, the ogres followed suit after their war with the kobolds left them nearly unable to defend themselves from troll raiders. What astonished me most was how the Grimaxe came to be. Following the destruction of the hobgoblins and bugbears, a leadership dispute separated the current orc clan into two. The rebel captain and his followers fled and formed a new clan in the relative safety of Viridale. It too, after nearly being annihilated by the Bloodmaim sought sanctuary with the Mossclaw.

    For years we couldn?t truly explain why the Bloodmaim, a race that appeared bent on the destruction of any opposition allowed the Mossclaw to prosper, but my most recent research has finally solved this mystery. As the gnolls began to foster their newly created alliance, a new enemy caught the eye of the orcs, but who?
    Sunder me? Sunder you!

  • #2
    Sunder me? Sunder you!


    • #3
      , Interesting. Its nice to know more about the Mossclaw N Bloodmaim.


      • #4
        I like story time! That's some good lore writing too.
        Names Taallic.

        Only time can save the world now.
        Immortality is your last hope.
        For my existence to be true, Hell's Fire must burn hotter than Heaven's Cold Gates can stand.

