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about crafting...

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  • about crafting...

    Just wondering that now when im finally jumping in-game, i would like to ask that what crafting skills is useful in this server? Anyone knows about traps or alchemy crafting?

    Just wanted to ask so i know how to level up my char...

  • #2
    Greetings and welcome!

    The crafting system's still in the works (some of it's up and running, but I'm not sure which bits), the Devs are giving priority to other content I reckon.
    I got one leg missin'
    How do I get around?

    One Leg Missin'
    Meet the Feebles


    • #3
      I do know that crafting potions and wands works. There is currently a market for wands for sure.

      I know of some people that are crafting items also, but remember that this is a low magic server and I think right now you can only craft items with a +1 magical bonus and then maybe some other benefits such as fort saves or some such.


      • #4
        As far as I know (someone confirm this please), currently only Red Wizards of Thay characters have access to magical item creation, under strict guidelines and the vigilant supervision of DMs. But I believe you're quite welcome to place an order with them in-game, they won't care how bad you smell if you have the coin. >_> Even if many characters will try to make you believe otherwise, Thayans are not from the 76th Layer of the Abyss, and your alignment doesn't shift when you dare talk to them... :P

        Craft Wand, Brew Potion and Scribe Scroll are great ways to open your own buisness if you are so inclined, as the feats work properly (be warned that it will cost you healthy chunks of coins). The fact that most higher level spells are impossible to get from a merchant makes level 5+ spell scrolls a real treasure for Wizards.
        Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
        Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
        "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


        • #5
          Only a few crafting materials exist on the server currently. The devs are working on crafting, but it is taking awhile.

          The Red Wizards, as Blue_Wyrm mentioned, have access to magical item creation, but this isn't by using materials in-game, it's by going into the toolset, creating the item (using both Enclave laws and Sundren item policies), then having a DM bring it into the game for the purchaser.
          -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blue_Wyrm View Post
            As far as I know (someone confirm this please), currently only Red Wizards of Thay characters have access to magical item creation, under strict guidelines and the vigilant supervision of DMs.
            It is possible for players to enchant items as well, but I think it's only possible to make a small number of things due to the limited number of materials available.
            I got one leg missin'
            How do I get around?

            One Leg Missin'
            Meet the Feebles

